Presenting attitudechicka's thoughts on...
1. "The Truth": Good. There was too much dialogue, though. You lose your audience in the first panel because some of the dialogue is really useless to explaining your point (Case in point "It sucks.")
2. "The Reason to be": I don't normally like narration boxes, but they were surprisingly useful in making this comic humorful. Still not the funniest thing I've seen.
3. "The meaning of life": L-E-A-R-N-E-D. If that was some kind of joke, I missed it. Overall, depressing more than funny.
4. "The Phone": Again, depressing. Nothing special, and not funny.
5. "Geek Comic 1": Okay. Again, nothing special, and we already know that boys are zombies once they're gaming.
6. "Owned": Actually, worth the click. Future reference, you can only put 5 comics in one post. It was pretty good, best of the set. I'd use the height prop for the guy inside on the last panel, though.
Overall judgement: You have potential. Work it out.
Mediocrity at its most average.