Okay. First things first. I like the Monkey one in the forum. I don't like cow talk. Please try and make something a bit more logical, maybe a hilarious sci fi like the monkey one? also, please remember to read one of my comics. If one of yous comes saying i'm bad or lame at comic writing, look at your first ones. I bet a few of them might suck as well. Oh yeah, sith_lord, try and space your comics out. i was excited too, but try and SLOW down now. you've had your fun. come up with some new ideas. i ran out of ideas in my first few megamans. so try and wait before you make so many, and too many they start losing you stars. oh yeah, biped, if yeah on, i like some of your comics.
'So you aren't going to be a paleontologist anymore?' Tim Murphy-Jurassic Park, 1993
Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Uhhhhn. Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Click. Blam. Onomatopoeia.