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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » A few new ones



Pink Donkey Wrangler

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7-05-05 4:44pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

7-05-05 4:45pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

[Click to view comic: 'Belvin's rehab']

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-05-05 4:45pm (new)
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Jesus's Official Spokesman

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The fast food one was ok, but the rest aren't so good. I'm not sure what's supposed to be the funny part...but I'm pretty sure you were leaning on the gay angle for that. You know why that doesn't work? Take away the horse being gay. What do you have? Nothing. Just a steaming pile of dump. Put the gay back in, what do you have? Just a steaming pile of dump sprinkled with homophobia. Having a character being gay doesn't create humor unless you set it up with an appropriate punchline. Comics with gay characters can and often are hilarious, but the good ones have legitimate reasons for the character being gay and are funny for their setup. Yours just suck.

If you do just one thing in life, then you need to get out more and expand your horizons. Honestly, that one thing can't possibly take-up all your time.

7-05-05 5:12pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Hey, I decided to use a gay horse in my comics, because that could be good material in the future.

Now I tried to create something funny with the gay horse but it seems like it failed.
Don't call me a homophobe for sucking at making comics.

Why can't we start treating homosexuals like all other people and be allowed to make bad comics with/about them, without being called a homophobe?

I've made sucky comics before, comics lacking homosexuals. People could say "That sucked" or "Not good" about them, without adding "You fucking idiot! Can't you make ONE SINGLE FUNNY COMIC?! IS THAT SO DAMN HARD?!".
Can't we keep that behaviour when the subject's homosexuality too?
Being called a homophobe is almost the same as being called a racist nowadays.

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-05-05 5:31pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

most of them werent funny but the fast food ones not bad but ive heard it done before. the horse penis one was good. but that last one was by far the funniest

what if nigger meant kite

7-05-05 6:17pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

most of them werent funny but the fast food ones not bad but ive heard it done before. the horse penis one was good. but that last one was by far the funniest

Thank you!

I posted all my newest comics, which I now think was a mistake. I am at this moment aware of which of these comics that I think is funny, bad and not funny at all. During the making and the posting of the comics, I must've been either tired or drunk.

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-05-05 6:37pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

if it was drunk youll fit right in here

what if nigger meant kite

7-05-05 6:58pm (new)
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Your Gay

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In Debaser's defense, he did portray gay dating sites pretty accurately.

7-05-05 8:17pm (new)
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Mr. Wonderful

Member Rated:

The comics are not funny. Just make them funny next time, and they'll be better.

Legend, oh legend, the third wheel legend...always in the way.

7-05-05 8:43pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

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Homophobia would be making comics along the lines of "I hate fags". He's just making fun of gay people. I don't see anyone calling mandingo a racist for his comics.

I thought they were all right. They weren't great but they were coherent and pretty consistent, and tey had some promise.

Humor is mostly relative, anyway. Just because some people don't like them doesn't mean they're worthless.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

7-05-05 10:52pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

they say it through mailbombs. but thats okay. they said the same thing about lenny bruce and look how he turned out

dead of an overdose

i saw this stand up routine one time where a guy said something to the effect, 'how can i be homophobic? phobic means afraid of. i'm not AFRAID of gay people. it's not like i'm worried their going to burst in and reorganize my closet.'

what if nigger meant kite

7-05-05 11:35pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

I'll try to remember that.

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-06-05 9:51am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Man, if you guys like any of my comics - RATE 'EM! It's really embarrassing when my top rated comic is a three :(

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-06-05 5:17pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I tink the strating ones were bad but it semms that you get a little better each time and I like how you stuck with the characters.
Also not all of them were about Gay Refrences I mean the fast food and Rehab were nothing to do with gay...
Minus the sucking of his head....


(P.S Sorry I never donated so I can rate you)

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Espcially since I rule." -Randel,Clerks

7-06-05 6:14pm (new)
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Jesus's Official Spokesman

Member Rated:

Ok, let me clear something up: I never called anyone a homophobe. By saying "sprinkled with homophobia", I was pointing out that the comics are using a gay character in an irrational manner; the only two that even remotely had any arguable necessity for the horse being gay were the ones dealing with the internet, which by all means were more than appropriate in those scenarios. Making a comment on a comic doesn't imply I or anyone else is making a generalization on the comic's author--if it did than every sucky comic ever made by anyone would be fair game to be the sole basis to judge how anyone should be rated. The important thing that I wanted to get across was that making a character have any attribute, whether it be gayness, racial stereotypes, or whatever, should have a purpose that makes it funny. Just having an outed Mr. Ed doesn't compell me to chuckle, he has to be doing something funny like attempting to cornhole Tobor or something. Which brings me to the point Biped made so elegantly: The comics just aren't funny. That's the important part that you need to focus on.

If you do just one thing in life, then you need to get out more and expand your horizons. Honestly, that one thing can't possibly take-up all your time.

7-06-05 6:23pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:


I've posted a new thread with new strips now. I did'nt post them in this thread, because I believe that they will get more attention in a new thread.

All-ah ha-reh int-eh lika bra som duuuu!

7-06-05 6:42pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » A few new ones

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