Without pulling any punches:
I thought "pre-paid ninja" was alright when I read it, but then I saw the title and couldn't stop laughing. As a callcentre worker for a telco, this really appeals.
I didn't think much of "Don't fuck with Magnetic Crotch Man", although kudos on using the art that's available to give the impression of motion.
I didn't like "for the hutt's amusement", but the idea of such a fight would work well in another medium.
"it started off like any other night" started off badly, like any other comic that expands the panels, but really came through with the punchline. I like it.
"walking into his daughters room..." made no sense to me. Was the kid playing a prank on her father? I think this would have worked better if it had finished "and you believed her? What the hell?" "Ha ha, no. I'm just messing with you, she didn't really say that" "Oh. Ha ha, you got me! Yeah... you got me. Ha ha."
"to grandmother's house we go" wasn't bad. I'd prefer it without the last panel though, and it should end with only the word "dammit", but that's probably just me.
"find the literally, win a commemorative twig" I'm going to assume I'm missing a reference here, because that went straight over my head.
"#only autobiographical comic" Is a masterpiece. You magnificent bastard, that's some funny shit.
"The one" is clever, but not really funny.
I found "nigger in your crawl space" a little amusing, but not great.
I didn't much like "a bar at night". I can't really say why though.
"You monster" is brilliant. Say the word (pm) and I'll draw you a guy holding a saw and half a baby.
"I wonder" got a bit of a giggle. I don't know if that was because I was still amused because of "you monster" or if it seemed worse than it really was because it wasn't as good as "you monster".
I cracked a smile on "a mysterious stranger".
Overall: I don't mind your work as a whole, and every now and then you pull out something brilliant. The lack of punctuation is a little off-putting though.
Dinosaurs had eggs bro, the chicken came way later.