weak stream
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| hey, Joe. i hear you took Betty to the baseball game yesterday. | |
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| i'm surprised Frank didn't mind, him being the jealous type and all | |
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| i hear that. but still, watch out for him. he's a hothead, you know | |
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| Joe, Frank here! did you take Betty to a baseball game yesterday! | |
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| don't give me that "just friends" shit, Joe, i wasn't born yesterday | |
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| a valid point. i'm sorry, Joe. you've always been a good friend to me | |
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| i'm going off to war, Joe, but i'm scared. real scared. i could use a pep talk | |
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| i have abducted you and will be performing various oral and anal probes on you, which, when combined, will cause your painful death | |
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| actually, i did come from a fatherless household, yes | |
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| today our worlds attain peace, Joe | |
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| i am the New Orleans Crime Wave! die! | |
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| i'll be receding you, Joe | |
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--- what if nigger meant kite