THat joke is pretty good on the surface, but the subtle SUBJOKES are even better! Let's take a look...
- The doctor obviously had time to saw somebody's cock off between panels two and three, splattering blood all over his shit. What isn't funny about that?
- The aforementioned time lag also means that the doctor decided to come back (mid cock-sawing) to tell the guy he had cancer, having forgotten in the euphoria of his lame car commercial joke to tell him the first time!
- "Have a good life"?! That shit's TERMINAL, man!!!!!one
- Rather than having the patient interrupt the doctor mid-phrase (which may have helped the flow of the joke), this "joke-nician" completed the parody line with the name "Geico"...and we all know what that means... product placement = the joke's on YOU!
- The fucking guy's name's JOHNSON!
Like a goddamned onion, people. That's all I'm trying to say.