I heart boorite.
No, no, no. I've learned, and now I'm trying to teach. I'm wanting to challenge your mind and faith with basic logic of the situations the Christian faith is based on.
Ah, but you're misinterpreting this "discussion" (which it isn't, it's points being made to you and you ignoring them). I'm not sitting here basing anything I type on faith in Christianity, faith in Evolutionary Theory, faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I'm sitting here basing every word on consideration of your Holy Bible. If the book in question is unerringly the perfect work of God then every single aspect and statement of it (especially the entire expanse of the Old Testament) must be true and not open from interpretation by mortal ideals. If such is not the case, if one word of it isn't true, your Holy text unravels and becomes meaningless. I'm trying to show that said book could never become meaningless as it never meant anything due to the worthlessness it placed on us from the very first chapter. That and that your supposedly almighty and omnipotent Lord isn't that at all, and as the book claims him as such, it's already based itself inside a sea of false pretences.
In turn the only comment I have is salvation is your key to the gates of heaven ( in my beleif )...
And you need to challenge that belief and see it for what it is.
You worship false text, you know no such truth in this matter be it that the case.
Read away, you will not find the answers to the questions and comments I have raised. No pastor nor minister can less they abandon the Bible's text in favor of "holy retconning" or snubbing.
Or at all, sorry.
This from one who cannot retell the tale of Adam and the Fall to properly reflect the situation in the ever-loving light that would show that we're not worthless, God is all-powerful, and that "sin" has any validity as something bad.
Then there is no compassion for humanity from Him. Let's rehash what's been said quickly. Per you I am going to Hell and you (let's say) will be going to Heaven. Why is that? Because you've been forgiven? Because you asked if it was okay that you're not perfect? That you're exactly what he made you to be?
So anyways, you're heading through the pearly gates. The entire reason you're there is that you're awaiting the day Christ will swoop down and slaughter evil (yes, slaughter, ask you're local religious leader about that), taking his chosen back with him. The Earth will go through some Revelation-type shit for a while and God will then (per your book my friend) recreate the Earth anew with no sin, no hate, no imperfections. That's the promise, the dream. Most of you Christians leave it as going to Heaven and being done with it. That's simply not the case per the Bible you worship. This raises the instant question of; If your all-powerful (pft) Lord God can recreate this reality with no flaws and he had the foresight to know this would be the case, why create an imperfect world to begin with? Why let so many souls burn in the Hell he created (he is the maker of all, so he created that as well) if he could simply recreate all into perfection?
"those who don't accept Jesus it says in the bible that Jesus is the one to talk to to get to God."
Nice run-on.
Quick repost since it's still valid...
Simply because an all-powerful entity that seems to have had such a huge hand in vast doings on Earth in the olden days (as shown in the Bible) doesn't feel bothered to drop on by again with another grand miracle to get his point across maybe? Would this little endeavor he seems to be doing out of spiteful boredom (if you're correct that is) not be a tad more successful if he dropped a little show of his holy presence through the sky with all the angels and whatnot and said to all, "Hey there, I'm real, the Bible is an accurate work of my inspiration, and if you don't listen to it and its teachings I'm going to send all of you to hell. B'bye."? If he truly wants results it's better he do it himself rather than laying the task onto people who are both flawed and full of sin themselves, even the best of them. When supposed speakers of God are shown to be doing drugs, having sex with hookers, etc, wouldn't be more prudent (given this is eternity punishment or reward for results produced of a handful of years in this physical life recall) for him to show up himself or use a bit more of that all-powerful stuff of his to show how serious this is?
You might say, "God knew that He would sacrifice Jesus to save us." Which in turn means he had the foresight to know that this would never work out and be perfect, so he knew he'd be creating sin and eternal damnation for those he knew would either not believe in a book written by men (whom bible thumping folks state are full of deceitful words themselves, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) or never know of how important the issue is. Where's my burning bush? I've led a good life. Where's my red sea? If all you say is true I surely don't want to burn for eternity (nice compassion there by the way) so if it's so important for Jesus to save my soul, why doesn't he visit me and have a chat so I can take his word for it over yours and over a book? Isn't a judgment to last an eternity worth that much?
The funny thing is, I could just keep reposting the entire initial post to anything you say if I chose and I wouldn't lose a bit a validity. Natch.
This isn't about your belief.
"Gasp!" you say?
Correct. As a Christian it's vital your beliefs are in sync to the letter with the holy text of your God. If you start to follow your own beliefs you become compromised in your faith. You cannot step out of the Bible to support it, and unfortunately there's not words on any of the pages to help you here.
This next part makes me giddy.
Definition of the term "image created being" please.
Here it comes!
Today is a date to mark on the calendar of the ages then. You just apologized for the possibility of supporting what your Bible says. Adam and the world with him were created perfect, that's why the Fall was such a big deal.
No, just claiming an eternity (can you fathom eternity?) of eternal punishment for those living as God has created them.
Even though it says in the Bible cling to that which is good, hate that which is evil? (Ask your pastor) Promotion of hate. Gotta love it.
Bullshit. As a Christian it's your life's mission to defend your faith. You need to spend more time at church if the above quoted statement is at all what you truly believe. While you're there ask about some of the stuff here. Heck, feel free to print out my posts and hand deliver them to your pastor. He will not have the answers.
LEAVE THIS PART OUT FOR HIM: He'll probably tell you to not worry about it, trust in God, nothing more, maybe you shouldn't return here. The reasons being he doesn't have the answers to the questions and comments provided and as such can't defend against them with his ministry of hate and bigotry wrapped in a blanket of promises and "love". Go ahead, leave this part out, then compare later.
Why? I'm just fine. I'm happy, healthy and see no reason to ask forgiveness for being myself. So fuggabunchayoooo. :)
Actually it's all on you.
See you soon I'm sure.
Don't like it? Eat me.