New here for a few hours. I started a comic series, and I know it sucks. I posted it to my friend and says it sucks.
Friend: I hate to be blatant and assholish, but it sucks.
Me: Figures
Me: But until I learn how to draw better, what can I do
Friend: The art's fine.
Me: And your not being blatant and assholish
Me.: You're a good writer, but... the humor wasn't there, it was cliche and overly.. well, played out.
So if you dare, read my comic below. But am I the worst writer here?
Anyway, my question. The script is still young so there might be a chance to save it. How can I improve my comic so it's not cliche and overly.. well, played out. When I wrote it I admit I had Detroit Rock City stuck in my head. What was in mind was a comic which just went straight out in weirdness. I have a hard tme showing humor though, and the humor which does appear come oout better in different ways. It's also sick which is what I tried to portray here. So is there any chance to save this comic or should I just not even bother?
Thanks alot.
And NO I have not taken acid or researched it. A stupid mistake on my part.
[Click to view comic: 'Acid Trip']
[Click to view comic: 'Acid Trip 2']
[Click to view comic: 'Acid Trip 3']
[Click to view comic: 'Acid Trip 4']
What came first: the comic or the comic writer?