New here for a few hours. I started a comic series, and I know it sucks. I posted it to my friend and says it sucks.
Friend: I hate to be blatant and assholish, but it sucks.
Me: Figures
Me: But until I learn how to draw better, what can I do
Friend: The art's fine.
Me: And your not being blatant and assholish
Me.: You're a good writer, but... the humor wasn't there, it was cliche and overly.. well, played out.
So if you dare, read my comic below. But am I the worst writer here?
Anyway, my question. The script is still young so there might be a chance to save it. How can I improve my comic so it's not cliche and overly.. well, played out. When I wrote it I admit I had Detroit Rock City stuck in my head. What was in mind was a comic which just went straight out in weirdness. I have a hard tme showing humor though, and the humor which does appear come oout better in different ways. It's also sick which is what I tried to portray here. So is there any chance to save this comic or should I just not even bother?
Thanks alot.
And NO I have not taken acid or researched it. A stupid mistake on my part.
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| Santa, what th' fuck are you doin' here? | |
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| I was on acid while doing deliveries. | |
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| I don't even remember what presents I gave the children. | |
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| So you don't rem'ber anything? | |
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| Well I do remember flashing this kid by accident, and... | |
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| I'll get you some of my daddy's Viagra for you Santa. | |
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| I might of been on acid, but that really hurt. | |
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| Man, that sounds like some ser'ous shit. Whose th' dealer? | |
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| You can't say you've tripped until you have tried acid mixed with elf magic. Last year after Christmas, we took more then we should have and we don't exactly remember what happened two weeks later. | |
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| Let's just say the entire factory had to be rebuilt by hand and I now have a few unwanted bastard elf children. And I won't even start with what we did to the reindeer | |
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| You wouldn't happ'n to have... | |
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| I swallowed it all before the cops arrested me. | |
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| But why're takin' acid in th' first place? It's great shit n' all, but you're th' last person I e'pected to be doing somethin' like th's | |
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| The same reason anyone takes it. What's the damn point of anything anymore? | |
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What came first: the comic or the comic writer?