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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » True Bible Stories!



I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Hi. Okay, so I started doing a new thing. I'm making a comic strip called True Bible Stories! My hope is to trick christian-y people into reading these comics and then realize how crazy the bible really is. I'm not an athiest, but I believe the bible is an ugly book of lies. You can't believe SOME parts of the bible and not others. It says so in the bible. So I take actual passages from the bible and make comics from them. Then I show the real bible passage underneath and make a silly comment or something. Okay, so I hope you like it.

True Bible Stories!

Please read it, I'll be your best friend. Also, if you think it's funny or something, do me a favor and click both of the google ads above the comics. If enough people click them, I get to have a hundred dollars, which would be awesome because I don't ever have any food.
I know they're not super funny, but I'm mostly trying to make people go "hmmm", like in that one song.

p.s. If you're wondering about my religious beliefs, I'm apathetic with a side order of agnostic.

2-03-06 11:36pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Sorry, one more thing. If you liked True Bibles Stories!, it would be super awesome if you would share it with your friends and neighbors and maybe suggest they also click the google ads. I'd love you forever.

And be cool and click the google ads here on Stripcreator once in a while. Especially if you haven't donated. It takes like an assload of ad clicks to get a hundred bucks.

May the Lord bless thee. Unless you have incomplete genitals. (Deuteronomy 23:1 "No one who is emasculated or has his male organ cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD." Seriously. Go look for yourself.)

2-03-06 11:43pm (new)
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Talentless Hack

Member Rated:

Very funny, and bookmarked, ye shall have some of the google wealth says I (where be your google ads anyway?)

I need to stop speaking like a pirate, yaaaghhh!

2-04-06 3:51am (new)
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and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

Those are awesome. Nothing like a good Bible poop joke.

I has a flavor!

2-04-06 8:12am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Do one on noah, and his ark and how two of each animal, even penguins were loaded up onto the ark.

Then you can also do one where they have to throw the elephant poop by the barrell full overboard and find enough food for all the animals.

Then show him releasing the thousands of species of misquitos and later, him jacking off to beastiality.

2-04-06 9:04am (new)
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I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

Don't listen to kaenash, he's an idiot.

2-04-06 10:01am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

I was just joking, actually.

speaking of which, I take it you are not leaving SC?

2-04-06 2:13pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Who, me? Why would I?

2-04-06 2:15pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

no crabster.

no, but seriously a few noah comics would be great.

2-04-06 2:24pm (new)
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Member Rated:

I have these in my favorites now. They are delightful and good.

the kid's getting old, the kid's getting old

2-04-06 3:46pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Well, blogger seems to be down. I am so happy.

2-04-06 5:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

It was down all day, now it's back, last time I checked. I added a new one just before I went to work today.

2-04-06 9:21pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

And there's a Noah comic.
Please click the google ads and tell your friends. If you don't, you might not get into heaven.

2-05-06 3:28am (new)
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My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:


Don't like it? Eat me.

2-06-06 7:25am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

I am proud to say I've made a whopping $1.59 from google ads since I started this project. That's, uh, 7 cents today, 23 cents yesterday and $1.23 last friday from me using the computers at two of my job locations and my computer from home to click the ads for myself. At this rate, it will take me just under a year to make the $100 required for google to send me a check. Or, more precisely, $116.07 if I continue at this pace for one year. Or, if I can continue to make money by clicking the ads from 3 different computers in the city, I might be able to pull down a hundred bucks in about 150-200 days. That is, if it continues to let me steal their money using the same 3 IP's, which it probably won't.
I am actually proud to say I got 23 hits today, 19 of which were unique visitors. Not too shabby, I guess.
Now I just need to figure out how to get thousands of angry christians to load up my page every day, waiting for some more of that righteous indignation they feed upon.

2-06-06 6:51pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Funny shit man. It's really good; kudos on the work.

2-07-06 6:45pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Really great ideas. I give thanks to our heavenly father for the Noah cartoon, for surely he guided your hand.

Another one, would be "Nuns and Moses" a Christian alternative to the Guns and Roses Rock Band. Actually, that is a shitty idea. Never mind about that one.

How about a monk and he is talking to God and he says


try revelations 14:4 "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. " for a particularly cryptic reference on the virtues of not multiplying as nature intended.

There is really a multitude of references on that one, you could also do one on itchy ears.

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; "
Thats Timothy 4:3

I'd love to help with your farce.

2-07-06 6:55pm (new)
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Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Funny stuff. I decided to link it on my site, along with mmyers' Mr. Pixel. Maybe you'll get a hit or two that way.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

2-07-06 8:03pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

And now for the unveiling of my true masterpiece:

Up The Down Syndrome

Feel free to send me money.

I'm still making True Bible Stories, in fact I made a new one today. But UTDS is my pride and joy. I hope you like it. And I hope you send me money. And I hope the commies get what's coming to them. Anyway, tell your friends.

p.s. Don't bother clicking the hurricane ad banner on UTDS, as it will not make me any money. I mean, unless you want to give money to those people. But yeah, don't bother. But if you see any actual ads appear on UTDS, please click and click again. And click Brad's ads once in a while. And stop running around with scissors, all willy-nilly.

2-09-06 3:54pm (new)
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The Nordic Soulman

Member Rated:

I love True Bible stories. I gave the link to my sister and I will give her the UTDS link, too. I like UTDS, but I love TBS. and acronyms.

I will also click a bunch of non-charity links for you. I might even give them some false info!

all the wrong things for all the right reasons

2-09-06 4:18pm (new)
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I am a Care Bear.

Member Rated:

Oh boy, I finally have ads on Up The Down Syndrome! Also, a new political cartoon. Hopefully USA Today or the New York Times will contact me to be their new political cartoonist.
Again, I desperately need fame and popularity, and most importantly, ad revenue. So if you frequent other forums or anything, please put up a link. And if you have a website of your own, I'd be happy to link to it. Help ME help YOU to help ME get RICH and SELL OUT.

2-11-06 12:24am (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » True Bible Stories!

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