I think they're referring to file13's Mohammed The Prophet Answers Your Email comics, which, according to his blog, he deleted himself after receiving threats.
If that's not what is being referring to, then I apologize.
If that were the case, about half of my back catalog would be toast.
Not to worry. Making fun of Jesus is okay, just don't offend middle-easterners or you might incite a riot!
But really, why is everyone suddenly surprised at the hypocrisy that runs rampant these days? The muslims can publish anything they want that satirizes the US and Christianity, but when some guy in Europe makes a joke about them, they get in a fit and go roll some cars over. And then the US newsmedia calls the cartoon "in poor taste".
Face it guys, be it Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha or David Koresh, religious humor is funny. If your society is one which can't deal with a little jab at its dieties and prophets, it needs to collectively sit and spin.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.