See DaveMonkey in his natural environment, casually insulting a booming internet e-commerce...
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| Fuck eBay. Useless crap sold online by losers who have way too much crap and way too much time on their-- | |
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But wait! Watch as he gets sucked into a world of which he has no control. Let's see what happens.
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| Ooh! Transformers: the Movie and Astro Boy Omega factor are only 99p each! I must bid! | |
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2 Days, 3 Hours and a deep, deep feeling of shame later...
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| Right, so I got an M.C. Hammer T-Shirt and a bootleg copy of the latest Family Guy episodes. Where do I go to get my life back? | |
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| Congratulations! You have successfully won the bid on a Fat Boys album!Sucker! | |
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