Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Here they come again.
myles1890 Member - Tobor Fan Club
Member Rated:
These are the dumbest ideas ever, but they make some pretty decent comics. Again, comics welcomed, not shunned.
[Click to view comic: 'Pedophile.']
[Click to view comic: 'Maneating Dracula (pointless!)']
[Click to view comic: 'Random #3']
---Penguins are taking over the universe. Just ask Stuper Dan! SD: ? Yes. That's right. He's knows SO much about it he's clueless!
Eh...stupid me...where the word COMICS is should be COMMENTS. What a drag.
UnknownEric and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.
The first one was very funny, if a little clunky on the execution. Too many words, maybe.
---I has a flavor!
Humpenstein Born again virgin
I once rated you good. I regret that decision.
Thank you!
Fry_cook_boy Junior Comic Technician
I like the first one, the punchline is great.
---Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
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