After that rough season last year you mightthink to yourself, "Grrrr.... I hate the Bulls *Grumble* *Grumble*" While that sort of attitude is just fine when you're showing off in front of your friends, you still might want to bone up a bit and get yourself ready with some inside facts. For instance, Ben Wallace is no longer a member of the Chicago Bulls. Also the head coach is neither Scott Skiles or Jim Boylan. The new head coach is Vinny Del Negro.
Now I know that the stripcreator community has alot of passionate sports fans and some of them also follow the NBA. I've also personally ruined at least one of your fantasy nba yahoo sports leagues. So if anyone elsewould like to add their own Bulls comics or would like to write a season preview of their own personal favorite team then feel free to jump in on the fun.
Here are some of the comics I made during last years season justto wet your whistleand catch you up on my own personal take following the team on an everyday basis.
I think this Hughes injury forces Rose into the picture quicker than they had planned. I also think that it's a beautiful thing and can't wait to watch tis kid play. I really feel he can do for Tyrus Thomas what Chris Paul did for Tyson Chandler. I look forward to watching his developement all year.
Thanks alot. The season is still young. Not alot to get excited about yet. I'm really pleased with the play of Rose so far. The guy is an excellent PG.