Let's make this theme a full-blown trilogy...
I would personally like to see every spammer suffer in Hell. Spammers should have to spend eternity with 1 tiny sliver in their body for every spam email they sent. See, because it's ironic! Hundreds of thousands of tiny little nuisances, all built up, making it impossible for them to do whatever it is people do for all eternity in Hell.
This of course, is just one example.
Your mission is to show us the special Hell that has been created for certain wrong-doers, annoying people, miscreants, and just people you don't like very much. Let's see some creative punishments people!
- Old comics are OK, but keep it to no more than 2 "old-comic" entries
- Bonus points if you incorporate someone famous who died within the last 90 days.
- More bonus points if you don't use the "obvious" graphics (e.g. the devil or Cthulhu characters, the Hell background, etc.).
- SPECIAL BONUS STIP! If the winning comic directly relates to another comic entry in some way (such as a continuation, use of exact same character, or use of same sin/punishment), BOTH you and the comic creator(s) who shared the idea will ALSO share the honors for CC540 (because Hell is other people!)
"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."