619 is the area code for San Diego, CA. How is this relevant? It is a border city that used to have a massive flow of illegals coming through it. Well, that was until they built a fence. Now there is virtually zero ilegals coming through there. Who knew?
Trump knew, that's who! The theme for this CC is The Donald. Make a comic depicting Trump, or a subject related to Trump in any way. (Remember when he ran the USFL?)
1) Be funny
2) No hair references unless it qualifies under rule #1
3) New comics only
Try to have fun with it. I'll declare a winner in a week or two. whoever doesn't win, YOU'RE FIRED!! HAHAHAHAHA (See how fun this can be?)
Bonus points: If, you can work "Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig" into the comic.