Judging time, then.
Thanks for participating, everyone. I feel like there were a few entries that were about even at the top of the pack, any of which would be a worthy winner, but of course I can only choose one.
Honorable mentions, therefore, go to four_legged_tripod for his uniquely SC take on an old joke, and to Porternotes for his series, especially the "humerus" punchline.
But the win goes to arbi:
[Click to view comic: 'an aardvark walks into a bar, arbitrarily cc637 v2']
I won't lie, this is partly because arbi hardly ever enters comic contests, and I'm dying to see what he comes up with when he runs one. I'm also pretty tickled that gabe_kovacs is on the desirable list.
Take it away, arbi!
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!