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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC637: Into a Bar



Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

All of the best jokes are about people walking into bars.  Well, some of the best jokes are about people walking into bars.  Well, some jokes are about people walking into bars.

For this contest, please make a comic about people walking into a bar.  Actually, they don't have to be people, and they don't have to be walking.  Please make a comic about beings entering a bar.

Enter as often as you like.  Old comics are acceptable.  Judging will take place on Wednesday, March 9th.  The winner hosts the next comic contest.  Offer not valid in Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands.  Okay, it is.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

3-01-16 7:21pm (new)
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Overlord Procrastinator: Or will be in a minute...

Member Rated:

3-02-16 4:33am (new)
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Because being DISGUSTING just isn't enough!

Member Rated:

3-02-16 7:31am (new)
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Do what to who for how many jellybeans?

Member Rated:

3-02-16 2:27pm (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

an aardvark walks into a bar, arbitrarily cc637 v2 by arbi
an hour down the road i have to decide whether to drive straight thru town, or stop into the lucky horseshoe, a strip club at halstead and belmont in boystown
is the bar tender here?
i go in about once a year hoping the guys will look like this, but usually
they look more like this


3-02-16 4:31pm (new)
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Member Rated:

My neighborhood bar is going to the dogs.


CC637 Pt. 1 by Porternotes
Kind of a nice place...
Woah! You're a dog!
What gave it away, Einstein?
I just didn't know they let dogs in here.
Fuck, yeah! I was humpin' your mama's leg in the champagne room just last night.

CC637 Pt. 2 by Porternotes
Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it.
It's ok. I'm used to the whole segregation thing. I guess I'm kinda edgy too.
Let's just have a drink and shake on it.
Ok, sounds good. I just... what the HELL?!
Gimmie Paw! Gimmie Paw!
You speciesist motherfucker...

CC637 Pt. 3 by Porternotes
Ok, ok. I'm just joking around.
Dog lives matter, dick!
I get you, really. I'm just kidding. I'll get you that drink, what do you want?
Alright, but I don't really appreciate your humor. Buy me a beer, I'm a heineken dog.
Bottle or can? Or in a bowl on the floor?
That does it!

CC637 Pt. 4 by Porternotes
Woah woah woah... Down, boy! Down, boy!
...and who are you calling "BOY"?
Hey you two! Get out of my bar before I call the cops!
How was your night out, Honey?
I found out why they call the human leg bone the humerus. As soon as you remove it, they're not so funny anymore.


3-03-16 1:23pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

3-03-16 1:40pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

3-03-16 2:46pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

3-03-16 2:52pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

3-03-16 5:47pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

3-04-16 10:27am (new)
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Member Rated:

CC637: Don't you drink anything while reading this by brycekain
Two jews walk into a bar.
Ok, who the hell dipped pig tampons in my Bloody Mary??

...and if you liked that one, here's a link to my other stupid shit.

3-05-16 2:18am (new)
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Member Rated:

CC637: Oh geez, another Saturday Morning Special? by brycekain
Dude, you're an alcoholic. Why are you in a bar?
It's cool, man. I got a medical marijuana card.
Oh, man. I dunnow... isn't that just trading in one crutch for another?
Hypothetical scenario: Black guy gets drunk and beats the crap out of white dude for being a condescending asshole. Hypothetical Scenario #2: Black guy gets high and laughs and laughs......
...are you going to hurt me?
Only if you're not gay.

...and if you liked that one, here's a link to my other stupid shit.

3-05-16 2:34am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Guy Walks Into A Mom Joke by Neo11
I'll take a Not Your Father's Root Beer
If it's not my father's, then whose is it?
I don't know, how about your mother's? Hahahaha
What was that you son of a bitch?
10 Seconds Later
Miller Lite please
That's what I thought

3-05-16 12:46pm (new)
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Ex-Zombie Hunting Dad Creature

Member Rated:

CC535: And The Worst Part Is, None Of Them Left A Tip by ZMannZilla
"After 20 years of bartending, it finally happened..."
Well, lads, I had fun catching up with you, but I have to get back to the cathedral!
Yeah, I gotta head back to the chapel myself - always a pleasure!
Oy, I'm a bit too fershnickered to drive - can someone drop me off at the synagogue?
"...and it was a total let-down."
That... that wasn't funny at all!

"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."

3-06-16 11:25pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

let's give this a go second comic in over 5 years
CC637: It's all the same by dyaot
what brings you to the bar tonight pete?
same as last week darrel my wife kicked my out for not being manly enough
again eh? you can do so much better then that white trash
why does darrel keep talking to that tranny every saturday night now?
fake pussys still pussy bud

3-07-16 5:00pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Judging time, then.

Thanks for participating, everyone.  I feel like there were a few entries that were about even at the top of the pack, any of which would be a worthy winner, but of course I can only choose one.

Honorable mentions, therefore, go to four_legged_tripod for his uniquely SC take on an old joke, and to Porternotes for his series, especially the "humerus" punchline.

But the win goes to arbi:

an aardvark walks into a bar, arbitrarily cc637 v2 by arbi
an hour down the road i have to decide whether to drive straight thru town, or stop into the lucky horseshoe, a strip club at halstead and belmont in boystown
is the bar tender here?
i go in about once a year hoping the guys will look like this, but usually
they look more like this

I won't lie, this is partly because arbi hardly ever enters comic contests, and I'm dying to see what he comes up with when he runs one.  I'm also pretty tickled that gabe_kovacs is on the desirable list.

Take it away, arbi!

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

3-09-16 6:34am (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC637: Into a Bar

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