646 is the area code for Manhattan in New York City. If you're American, there's roughly a 3% chance you knew that already. Aren't you clever.
Anyways, this will be a comic competition devoted to The Big Apple. The rules will be kept as simple as a naked cowboy playing in Times Square:
- Comic must be about, or at least mention, New York City in some way.
- Comic must be three panels long.
- Old comics are okay.
- Maximum of 3 entries per person.
- Bonus points if you reference the band They Might Be Giants in some fashion.
I hope you enjoy this contest and have lots of great *almost gets hit by a taxi* HEY I'M STRIPPING HEEEEEERE!!!
"He was cursed with a horrorshow of a face, like Guiseppe Archbold doing a study of mollusk tumors."