So I guess no one funny entered the last competition since I somehow won. I'd suspect foul play, but I don't want to investigate my balls. ANYwho...
Because the last 5,000 competitions have been about Ragu, I've decided to honor his passing with yet ANOTHER comic contest about him! What? Oh yeah, right. Like I'd do that shit. Are you insane? Oh you are? Sorry. Didn't mean to be so incensitive.
And that brings us to the contest. Are you depressed? Do you suffer from anxiety so horrible you could crush a diamond twixt your cheeks? Honestly, no one gives a shit... er, except me! Yeah, so we shall dedicate this contest to psychological shit.
1. Must be funny.
2. Rule number one is optional.
3. Rule number three is also optional.
4. Your comic must include a form of mental illness, but you MUST make it funny. Some how. Did I say you could ignore Rule #1? TOO BAD! Make it so funny George Carlin would shit his dead pants laughing (may Bob rest his soul.)
5. Contest shall begin as soon as you read the next curse word.
So there you go. Crazy? I was crazy once. Etc and stuff. Judging will happen in the future. In the land of farts and unicorns...
Get ready, get set......the fuck?
...and if you liked that one, here's a link to my other stupid shit.