Last night, I was in the waiting room of a counseling office[1], and this little girl comes out with one of the counselors, bouncing around and being rambunctious. Her mother, who had been half-napping in the waiting room got up, signed a form or two, and began ushering her daughter out the door.
She turned to me and said, "I love your magenta hair!" and then a loud THUNK! could be heard as her daughter's head whacked into the door frame. I braced myself for the wail. It didn't happen in the first few moments and I relaxed[2]. I was listening to hear if the woman was going to apologize to her daughter for herding her into a wall. I heard the woman say to her daughter, "Awwwww, did you hit your head? I guess we both weren't looking where we were going." Then the child began to make fire engine noises.
No *wonder* this child is in therapy[3].
[1] Before anyone gets cheeky, I was there to discuss managing the stress I'm under at work.
[2] No, I didn't start laughing. Oddly enough, it didn't occur to me that it was funny until this morning.
[3] I mean really, the woman can't tell the difference between magenta and plum orchid!
I am a delicate fucking flower.