Given the facts that there are several other contests going on right now, the holidays and people's travel are coming upon us, contestants would like to maintain their anonymity, and nobody wants to sit idly on this for two weeks, I'm going to start Round 1 of MSC 1.000 immediately, and run it a bit differently from normal. But first, let's meet our distinguished panel of judges!
Here's how things will work this round. All Round 1 matches are posted below. (We'll have a full random redraw for Round 2, but I'll run the matches involving the folks with byes at the start of the round). When you can, complete your submission and post the strip number of the comic to this thread. Do not post the actual comic! Once you and your opponent have both submitted, I will at my leisure, post the two comics together, and open the voting on them. This way, we'll only have one or two open votes at a time, and I won't have to use extraordinary mental powers to figure out who's around at what time.
Here are the Round 1 matches; blame those judges for these rules:
MyBreastsAreScottish vs. megaton_b_boy2000
[list=1][*] The first word of each dialogue bubble must begin with a vowel.
[*] All characters must be drawn in black and white. All frames must have the "Red" background.
[*]Someone must make a shocking revelation in the thrid panel. This revelation must be relevant to the action of the first two panels.
StrangeBrewster vs. my_fawn_has_diarrhea
[list=1][*] Every 5th word must be "boing".
[*] Have at least one character talk to someone out of their frame.
[*] Strip takes place during skydiving adventure.
big_evil_deceiver vs. allclad
[list=1][*] The two dialogue boxes in each panel must make up a rhyming couplet.
[*] No green anywhere!
[*] held a Christmas party with a hell of a lot of booze. Strips should show the morning after, following one forumusers character trying to piece together the previous evening's events, like "Dude Where's My Car?"
Frosty vs. Mr_Jass
[list=1][*] Pick any word with multiple meanings, and use that word at least three times, each time with a different meaning made clear by the context. Eg. "bat" as a piece of athletic equipment, a winged mammal, and a verb.
[*] You may only use backgrounds (other than "none") if its name is used in the dialogue. This does not include the numbers at the end of the background's name.
[*] The characters have to travel to Canada.
MasterBates vs. booger_flick
[list=1][*] Every word in the strip - title, dialogue, narrative, and thought - must be monosyllabic.
[*] You must use no animate objects.
[*] Imagine you are in elementary school, and writing this comic strip is a homework assignment. How you make it clear that you have followed this rule is up to you.
Lil_angel_o_death vs. Duckfoot
[list=1][*] Mention some musical instrument in each panel.
[*] Use only women.
[*] Somebody in the strip must profess adoration for a film which all sane people in the world despise. Preferably, a real film.
pikachu vs. Fawn_wears_buttplugs
[list=1][*] Mention some dead musician.
[*] Use only characters whose hands are not visible in the frame.
[*] In at least one of the panels the characters must be discussing body hair.
cheryl_bork vs. Mister_E
[list=1][*] Have one character say something that sounds like it should be a famous quote; assign it to an actual historical figure.
[*] Use only animal characters.
[*] Must be about meatgrinders.
Mystery_Ninja vs. AntimatterSwirl
[list=1][*] Include a new euphemism for a sexual act.
[*] You have to use the TV prop.
[*] The Brad character is an undercover spy, master of disguise; if he says he's a plant, the characters will see him as a plant, if he says he's a donkey, so be it. The strip should focus on his mission.
Wirthling_Sucks vs. Norman_No_Mates
[list=1][*] Narration only -- no dialogue or thoughts.
[*] Only use characters who have visible feet.
[*] Describe the flavor of a sponge.