Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » frozen forum ???
sub_m7 Member - Tobor Fan Club
Member Rated:
is it just my browser or is this forum frozen ??? well, it will update, after i posted this msg, guess.
c ya, N6
sub_m8 Stripcreator Newbie
its still frozen, so im going to keep posting the same two things over and over until it works.
DexX What the Cat Dragged In
sub_m8, whoever you are...
I know you're making a joke, but you're nearly as annoying as the real thing...
---This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.
kaufman Director of Cats
quote:sub_m8, whoever you are...
this thread was dead for ages, interesting that it comes alive >NOW< ...
Well... a bit, I suppose. I tried to make buhzilla funny, though... :)
(...not that I necessarily succeeded...)
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