ok, dont get me wrong :
if i am lonely at night (which is for about the last 4 months now) i go to this site , which is probably the best free and daily updated site in that category which i ever came across.
however, with so many sexually unsatisfied geekds using this site (what's his name? bazilla me thinks), i was wondering if there were any pornographic characters available (just to spice up things a bit)...
is there a special code to get access to them or wot ?
is perhaps TOBOR the incarnation of the sexual fantasy of the majority of registered users (...)
ps.: a friend of mine just made this site, where there is a "members area" and a "special members area".
the 2nd is for frustated human individuals (of any gender and sexual orientation) to secretely publish pictures of their naked ex-partners.
i'm so tired and i can't sleep -
i'm a liar and a thief
(kk - n.)