Donut Purveyor
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| Have you performed your monthly breast cancer exam yet? | |
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| You know, I was gonna do it right after my pap smear. News flash--we're guys. Guys don't get breast cancer. | |
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| No, we don't! Guys get ass cancer. Girls get breast cancer. It's a scientific fact. | |
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| Great googaly moogaly. How do you even get dressed in the morning, you pile of hair? | |
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| I'm just saying, show me one woman who ever died of prostate cancer. Can't do it, can you? | |
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| Look, you brainless douchebag, men get breast cancer. There are thousands of documented cases! | |
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| Rich-- Shaft? Shaft has breast cancer? | |
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| Had. He underwent a mastectomy and six months of chemotherapy. That's why you need to check. | |
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| But...but he's Shaft! I thought he'd get, like, gonorrhea from some sexy yet careless mama, not breast cancer! | |
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| So, if breast cancer is bad enough to take on Shaft, it'll have no problem throwing down on you. Now are you gonna do the exam or not? | |
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| All right, all right. Just a second. | |
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| It's like dealing with a huge, smelly two-year-old... | |
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| Oh God...lumps! There's lumps! I've got two lumps! | |
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| Okay, those are your nipples. | |
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| Oh, yeah. Hey, what are these things for again? | |
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| I guess so. I didn't find any lumps, anyway. What are the other symptoms? | |
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| Let's see...Skin dimpling or puckering... Nipple retraction... Redness and scaliness of the breast area... | |
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| Well, I guess we've all learned something here today. | |
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| Yep. Even guys have to perform the ol' monthly check for breast lumps. | |
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| Yep. Well, g'night, every-- | |
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| It's a good idea to check your nuts, too. Do it right after you get out of the shower when they're warm and soft, like two lumps of cookie dough. | |
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| Wow. I almost knew what dignity felt like. | |
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| You're still gonna have to go to the doctor for the ass thing, though. | |
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It's true, too. Check it out.