That would be '34' for all you geek-impaired people out there.
Well crap. There's something weird about winning these things. You keep hoping you will, then when you do, you wish you hadn't 'cause thinking up a good contest is such a bitch. (At least I know wirthling feels like this, so I know I'm not alone.)
I was tossing around a few ideas that I nixed for one reason or another. My favorite of which was having another dis wirthling contest. But I decided that we could all just do that on our own time.
1. Use an animal in your strip somewhere. Elephant, Toothgnip, etc. Whatever. Just once is enough, but more would be just ducky.
2. Stealing Obi's idea, your comic must contain a line from a Johnny Cash song. Obscure is fine, just mention the song it's from when you post your strip.
3. The only vowel you can use is 'Y'. Sometimes.
4. Rule 4 is a joke.
5. You must be naked while writing your strip. Bonus points if you are naked and astride a donkey.
6. Rule 5 is not a joke. I'll be checking. (Don't forget my inter-dimensional residency. I see everything).
7. Yes, boorite. I saw that. And even though it's illegal in 37 US states and Canada, I'll let it slide.
8. Use the word 'manboobs' in your strip at least once.
9. Gabe likes to complicate things by posting too many rules.
10. Gabe likes to refer to himself in the third person.
11. Don't worry if you screw up and forget something, like being naked. Gabe is a kind and loving diety and only rarely strikes people dead for not paying attention.
12. Judging will be Wednesday night 9:00 EST sharp. (As always, this means 6:42 in Baltimore, much to Mike's chagrin.)
That's it. I think.
100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.