Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Troll Theory 101



Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I've noticed as of late that the trolls have been much more annoying recently than they have since I came to this site a year ago. A year ago, dude would come on here, say READ MY FUNNY COMIC OR ELSE YOUR FAGGIT, and genereally speaking he would disappear the next day. Nowadays it seems the big S has gotten a lot fewer trolls, but those trolls we do get are a lot more annoying (i.e.; subby, and those two guys spamming the RMDC forums). So I set out to figure out why this was.

[center]TROLL THEORY 101
Insert crappy theme song here![/center]

It turned out the old trolls always died of an ass cancer right after they posted; ergo, they disappeared, and since then they've now found a cure for ass cancer, allowing the new ones to theoretically piss everyone off until the sun goes nova. And for days I left it at that.

Then I got some research that explained that all the ass cancers were faked (excepting for the non-fatal one KKP has, but that goes without saying). I pulled out my Dorky But Trusty Magnifying Glass to search for clues just like all the "scientists" who come on at 6 am do during their history lessons. That's when I discovered the differences between, say, d_colon and weedleweedle, lied in the way the trolls were treated during their tenure.

[b]Example Teh Firstest: The old, or "classic", method

Sub-standard ject: weedleweedle[/b]

Day one: weedleweedle enters, posts stuff that kinda resembles Chinese, someone replies not to feed the troll, people stop feeding the troll.

Days two and three: weedleweedle posts more of his not very good stuff, and gets no replies.

Day four: gone.

These results were typical under this method with a few exceptions of course. And then there's the more recent method of troll handling:

[b]Example Teh Secondest: The new version

Sub-standard ject: sub_m7[/b]

Day one: sub_m7 enters, posts links to his website, leaves, someone replies with "what kind of shit website is that you moron?"

Day two: sub_m7 posts how his alledged "clan" is going to hack stripcreator, someone replies with "hey dipshit you ain't not a hacker either"

Day three: sub_m7 posts "FUCK YOU !!!", someone replies with what pretty much amounts to the same.

Days four through ninety-six: repeat the above over and over and over EXACTLY until even the ironest of stomachs is suddenly emptier, and the corresponding toilet containg more "lunch", if you will.

Day ninety-seven: It takes a motherfucking administrator to realize how stupid this shit is. Gone.

(note, actual amounts of days in the fourth step of the new method may or may not be the same as in the example, also, Wirthling is lamer than he appears in side view windows.)

You see the difference? weedleweedle became so nothing that I had to actively dig up his threads to make sure that I was thinking of the right guy, whereas the same unfunny sub_m7 jokes that were posted back in July are STILL getting posted occasionally.

The reason I post this, you ask? The answer's simple: because I want to publicly laugh at your infallacy while I was "gone" and make those of you responsible feel like morons. No, actually, it's because the same exact things that happened in the early subby days are now going on over with those dudes in RMDC, and stripcreator has already had more than enough boring stuff. Half of which was in this thread alone, I realize, so I'll quit yakking on and on.

Conclusion: No feedo el trollo. If you must feed something to someone, Andy's maw is available on Wed-Sat, excluding UK holidays (since Thanksgiving isn't a UK holiday, that means you are free to stuff the turkey this thursday.)

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in. -Weird Al Yankovic

11-26-02 11:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:



11-29-02 4:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Dear retard,

You hit one nail on the head whilst missing the other one completely. Yes, these overly sensitive idiot regulars fueled the fire, but this thread trail to hell was never my intent. I was waving a flag over to my comics just to see if anyone else was in tune with my style. I go into this shit in more detail on bunnerfags post, so read up if youd like. I got sick of it all myself, hence the "screw the old threads" post, but you guys just couldnt pass up the idea of some excitement on here. I didn't come here for you, i did it for me-to simply make comics, dont flatter yourselves. and an administrator removed sub 7? are you all that infantile that you cant handle creators that you dont like...they have to be erased?

Your pal,

Daddy's Home...

11-29-02 11:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Regulars 101

1.Stripcreator is born

2.A lonely slob(s) decided they have nothing left in life, decided, good therapy would be to show their bland existence with strips.

3.A person comes along with an original idea, they are shunned like every person in history that has had an original idea. Ie. Einstein, Plato, Edison, Socrates.

4.Regulars that have posted 1000 strips decide to attack the good strip creators, knowing that if the good strip creators are gone, everyone can stop laughing and go back to reading their(regulars)strips. Therefore promoting their crappy existence.

5.Good strip creators continue to make their strips while you regulars try to get rid of them because if you lose Stripcreator to people with a sense of humor then you will sink back into depression and kill yourself.

6.Your parents search your room and look through your files on your computer in hopes to see what went wrong.
-They find your shitty strips,gay porn,and kiddy porn.

7.Your parents wonder where they went wrong. Everything is seen as a cry for help. They spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves.

the end.

Moral-Regulars if you just killed yourselves now, you would save everyone alot of greif.

*remember to erase your kiddy porn and gay porn first*


11-29-02 11:42pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

Um... what exactly did we do again?

11-30-02 7:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

An interesting note: Last night I saw some movie where this dude dies and goes to Judgement City to see weather he's going to move on in the afterlife or be reincarnated to get smarter.

You see, people in the afterlife have highly advanced brains - they use about 50% more of their brain than we do. So while the main character and his netherworldly lawer are eating lunch, the main character asks for a bite of the lawers food. "Ugh... man this stuff is gross!" he says. the lawer replies "People with brains like mine can change their tastes. So while this tastes like horse crap to you, it has a completly different taste to me." "You mean SMART people eat this?!"

The moral is we regulars have a highly developed sense of humor which allows us to understand complex statements about socioty in a funny way... and strips that look like this:
[Click to view comic: 'Knock, Knock']

Um, nevermind.

11-30-02 7:51am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Director of Cats

Member Rated:

What the fuck was I talking about?

Whatever it was, it's a double haiku.

Greetings from Arizona!


11-30-02 9:59am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

GermanyNate: Im super smart I use 1000% of my brain. I should go get me some of that LAWER food.

Quote "Not that smart after all jackass!"


11-30-02 10:03am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

The wise fuzzyman says:

"Like a ripe melon
Beneath the foot of tobor
Newbie head goes squish"

wisdom is attained
nirvana has reached
I am happy now.

11-30-02 12:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Remember when TheElPaso first came to SC, with all those other trolls, and everyone thought he was one of them, and despite constant abuse, he stayed?

When did we actually stop abusing him, and why?

Dad was flammable

11-30-02 12:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

The Man Who Punched God

Member Rated:

Isn't orange one syllable?

~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~

11-30-02 2:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Of course, these dickhole cockwipes can't seem to grasp the fact that their comics aren't funny, they aren't funny, and they are doing exactly what they're bitching about.
If they'd simply taken a little criticism like intelligent adults, instead of running around like dicks with their heads chopped off, perhaps they would have been accepted.
I would happily ignore these turkey-fuckers, if it weren't for the fact that they occasionally come into a nice, normal conversation, and ruin it. Also, the amount of offense they took from some simple ribbing just annoys me a bit.
The morons presume from looking at recent posts that we are always mean to newbies. Sure, we put them through the ropes a bit, but that happens in real life, as well. We mean no harm by any of it, but some newbies get this "victim" mentality drilled into their heads and can't let go of it, thereby escalating more idiocy back and forth.
I for one, end here. I'm sick of the moronic namecalling, which has obviously devolved into emotional mudslinging, and delved away from the hillarious style of "you cunting arse-sausage".
Get a sense of humor or fuck off.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-30-02 2:04pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Why don't you practice what you preached in your response to bunnerwhateverthefuck? I mean in the response to the "shock jock" post, you seemed to be one ok dude that understands that the regulars getting so bent out of shape and fueling a fire is rediculous. But now youre taking a bit of a 180, eh? People that don't like my comics can stop responding to my posts at any time ya know. They have chosen not to. And this whole forum chain of command is complete bullshit. Why should I be expected to bow down to someone just because they've been posting comics for 6 months longer than I have? Why should I hear out advice from assholes that wouldn't know funny if it raped their iguana? I do things my own way and I don't need advice or guidance from people that have made 200-1000 comics that started off sucking and have never gotten better. You can't teach creativity and that's what you guys don't seem to understand. You follow the same bland formulas again and again. I came out of the box swinging and produced a funnier comic on my first try than most peoples first, second or seven hundred and twenty third. Just using the term "newbie" invalidates anything else that comes from your finger tips. Internet hierarchy? GET FUCKING REAL. If that's what youre on about then maybe you should go try to throw some weight around in a Quake 3 deathmatch.

Daddy's Home...

11-30-02 3:43pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

See? Exactly the reactionary crap you have lead us all to expect.
Frankly, your comics are worse than my WORST comic.
My point is thus: Yes, the regs DID overreact, and we should have let an annoying little pissant troll with bad grammar, poor spelling, and even more detestable content, disappear into the annals of stripcreator history, leaving less than a kilobyte of your fith to stain our page.
But that doesn't absolve you, the moron newbie of all responsibility in this. Without your idiocy, closed-mindedness, ignorance, and complete lack of a sense of humor, this whole festival of SHIT would never have happened.
As for seniority? Most of us have far more than bigger numbers next to our names giving us a higher ring on the totem pole. You notice how my name has a little title under it that no one else has? That's because I contributed financially to this site, as did a good portion of the regs here. Past the monetary addition, most of the regs have created an atmosphere around here. One of levity, creativity, intelligence, and well-being. We all care for eachother. We know eachother. We DON'T know you.
Why does this matter? You came barging in here acting like a newbie on any other forum. I don't care how many years, or how few days someone has been here, newbie means dickhead who comes onto this site and starts trolling around. You can be a newbie if you're here twenty years. It has nothing to do with the age of your account, or the amount of posts and comics you've put forth.
All I ever see from you in any reply is more mindless, half-assed insulting. Why don't you just knock it the fuck off? We were here first. If you had actually gone through the threads and read them, as well as the FAQ, you might have understood how the place works better. Sadly, you did not, and you showed yourself to be a perpetual newbie.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

11-30-02 4:09pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I've noticed as of late that the trolls have been much more annoying recently than they have since I came to this site a year ago. A year ago, dude would come on here, say READ MY FUNNY COMIC OR ELSE YOUR FAGGIT, and genereally speaking he would disappear the next day. Nowadays it seems the big S has gotten a lot fewer trolls, but those trolls we do get are a lot more annoying (i.e.; subby, and those two guys spamming the RMDC forums). So I set out to figure out why this was.

[center]TROLL THEORY 101
Insert crappy theme song here![/center]

It turned out the old trolls always died of an ass cancer right after they posted; ergo, they disappeared, and since then they've now found a cure for ass cancer, allowing the new ones to theoretically piss everyone off until the sun goes nova. And for days I left it at that.

Then I got some research that explained that all the ass cancers were faked (excepting for the non-fatal one KKP has, but that goes without saying). I pulled out my Dorky But Trusty Magnifying Glass to search for clues just like all the "scientists" who come on at 6 am do during their history lessons. That's when I discovered the differences between, say, d_colon and weedleweedle, lied in the way the trolls were treated during their tenure.

[b]Example Teh Firstest: The old, or "classic", method

Sub-standard ject: weedleweedle[/b]

Day one: weedleweedle enters, posts stuff that kinda resembles Chinese, someone replies not to feed the troll, people stop feeding the troll.

Days two and three: weedleweedle posts more of his not very good stuff, and gets no replies.

Day four: gone.

These results were typical under this method with a few exceptions of course. And then there's the more recent method of troll handling:

[b]Example Teh Secondest: The new version

Sub-standard ject: sub_m7[/b]

Day one: sub_m7 enters, posts links to his website, leaves, someone replies with "what kind of shit website is that you moron?"

Day two: sub_m7 posts how his alledged "clan" is going to hack stripcreator, someone replies with "hey dipshit you ain't not a hacker either"

Day three: sub_m7 posts "FUCK YOU !!!", someone replies with what pretty much amounts to the same.

Days four through ninety-six: repeat the above over and over and over EXACTLY until even the ironest of stomachs is suddenly emptier, and the corresponding toilet containg more "lunch", if you will.

Day ninety-seven: It takes a motherfucking administrator to realize how stupid this shit is. Gone.

(note, actual amounts of days in the fourth step of the new method may or may not be the same as in the example, also, Wirthling is lamer than he appears in side view windows.)

You see the difference? weedleweedle became so nothing that I had to actively dig up his threads to make sure that I was thinking of the right guy, whereas the same unfunny sub_m7 jokes that were posted back in July are STILL getting posted occasionally.

The reason I post this, you ask? The answer's simple: because I want to publicly laugh at your infallacy while I was "gone" and make those of you responsible feel like morons. No, actually, it's because the same exact things that happened in the early subby days are now going on over with those dudes in RMDC, and stripcreator has already had more than enough boring stuff. Half of which was in this thread alone, I realize, so I'll quit yakking on and on.

Conclusion: No feedo el trollo. If you must feed something to someone, Andy's maw is available on Wed-Sat, excluding UK holidays (since Thanksgiving isn't a UK holiday, that means you are free to stuff the turkey this thursday.)

Wow, someone stole my word.

Ok, so I didn't trademark it or anything.

But wow.

Because someone has to do it right.

11-30-02 9:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Your word?
What you talkin' bout, Willis?

11-30-02 9:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

Your word?
What you talkin' bout, Willis?

Right, that's it.

Tomorrow's strip has you in it.

If I can't think of anything else.

Which is likely.

But at least I don't think of putting my cock through people's skulls.

Which is nice.

And Firstest.

Because someone has to do it right.

11-30-02 9:40pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

I don't like putting my cock through people's skulls either.
I perfer their ass.

11-30-02 9:49pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I don't like putting my cock through people's skulls either.
I perfer their ass.

I think that'll cause them some major intestinal problems.

Though, with people in this forum, you never know...

Because someone has to do it right.

11-30-02 9:57pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

Screw ElPaso's half-baked theories! The proper way to take care of noobs is...

12-02-02 10:12am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:



12-02-02 10:14am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:



12-02-02 1:21pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

...Don't make me take that baby for a test drive. :-P

12-02-02 5:15pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

Only if you pronounce it like an illiterate bastard. Example: ORNGE. That is how some people pronounce it. However, the CORRECT pronunciation is orAnge. Thus, making the word two syllables.

As a side note, this thread is retarded. Also, Mega_H8...maybe you just hate TOO much :)

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

12-07-02 9:15am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

I agree.

Orange does have two syllables...

lessen you cut the "o" out.. thus making it "range"... then it reverts back to monosyllabic status..

it really is one of the GREAT mysteries of our age, no?

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

12-07-02 9:21am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Troll Theory 101

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