I've noticed as of late that the trolls have been much more annoying recently than they have since I came to this site a year ago. A year ago, dude would come on here, say READ MY FUNNY COMIC OR ELSE YOUR FAGGIT, and genereally speaking he would disappear the next day. Nowadays it seems the big S has gotten a lot fewer trolls, but those trolls we do get are a lot more annoying (i.e.; subby, and those two guys spamming the RMDC forums). So I set out to figure out why this was.
[center]TROLL THEORY 101
Insert crappy theme song here![/center]
It turned out the old trolls always died of an ass cancer right after they posted; ergo, they disappeared, and since then they've now found a cure for ass cancer, allowing the new ones to theoretically piss everyone off until the sun goes nova. And for days I left it at that.
Then I got some research that explained that all the ass cancers were faked (excepting for the non-fatal one KKP has, but that goes without saying). I pulled out my Dorky But Trusty Magnifying Glass to search for clues just like all the "scientists" who come on at 6 am do during their history lessons. That's when I discovered the differences between, say, d_colon and weedleweedle, lied in the way the trolls were treated during their tenure.
[b]Example Teh Firstest: The old, or "classic", method
Sub-standard ject: weedleweedle[/b]
Day one: weedleweedle enters, posts stuff that kinda resembles Chinese, someone replies not to feed the troll, people stop feeding the troll.
Days two and three: weedleweedle posts more of his not very good stuff, and gets no replies.
Day four: gone.
These results were typical under this method with a few exceptions of course. And then there's the more recent method of troll handling:
[b]Example Teh Secondest: The new version
Sub-standard ject: sub_m7[/b]
Day one: sub_m7 enters, posts links to his website, leaves, someone replies with "what kind of shit website is that you moron?"
Day two: sub_m7 posts how his alledged "clan" is going to hack stripcreator, someone replies with "hey dipshit you ain't not a hacker either"
Day three: sub_m7 posts "FUCK YOU !!!", someone replies with what pretty much amounts to the same.
Days four through ninety-six: repeat the above over and over and over EXACTLY until even the ironest of stomachs is suddenly emptier, and the corresponding toilet containg more "lunch", if you will.
Day ninety-seven: It takes a motherfucking administrator to realize how stupid this shit is. Gone.
(note, actual amounts of days in the fourth step of the new method may or may not be the same as in the example, also, Wirthling is lamer than he appears in side view windows.)
You see the difference? weedleweedle became so nothing that I had to actively dig up his threads to make sure that I was thinking of the right guy, whereas the same unfunny sub_m7 jokes that were posted back in July are STILL getting posted occasionally.
The reason I post this, you ask? The answer's simple: because I want to publicly laugh at your infallacy while I was "gone" and make those of you responsible feel like morons. No, actually, it's because the same exact things that happened in the early subby days are now going on over with those dudes in RMDC, and stripcreator has already had more than enough boring stuff. Half of which was in this thread alone, I realize, so I'll quit yakking on and on.
Conclusion: No feedo el trollo. If you must feed something to someone, Andy's maw is available on Wed-Sat, excluding UK holidays (since Thanksgiving isn't a UK holiday, that means you are free to stuff the turkey this thursday.)
Wow, someone stole my word.
Ok, so I didn't trademark it or anything.
But wow.
Because someone has to do it right.