That last contest put me in sort of bookish mood. Comic bookish, to be precise. Thanks to my grotesquely overdeveloped musculature, I'm often mistaken for a superhero (*hack, wheeze*). But the fact is, I've never liked them much. Take away thier courage, thier strength; thier good looks, brilliant minds and lightning fast reflexes, and what have they got? Nothing, I tell you! So I'm establishing my own Legion of Doom.
Everyone knows the best way to dispose of a meddlesome superhuman is with a cunning death trap. So I want you to take an established hero and put them in an absurd or impossible situation. Alternately, you can take a page or panel from a comic book (as was done to great effect last contest) and alter it to make a well known super-type look rediculous. That'll show 'em! You have until Jan. 19 at 6:00 EST. That's when my microwave satellite array is scheduled to melt the polar ice caps.
"You'll burn for this. Burn in jail!"