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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I give! Read 'em!



Stripcreator Newbie

I've only been at it a few days, but I have WAY more comics up than I probably should. It's fairly plot-driven, though, so you might want to start reading from the beginning. I'm at a perfect point right now to get some feedback, so let 'er rip!!

Oh, and thanks for reading ;)

2-04-03 8:12pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Very entertaining.


2-04-03 8:29pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

You've had a productive 7 days. 8)

Excellent comics!

You have boinky33's speed, but a much higher funny ratio. Awesome. I look forward to the next 55. By next week. Or we kill you.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

2-05-03 12:05am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Just for the sake of contrast, I have to say that I didn't like your comics very much. It may have something to do with the fact that the entire series is a long string of fourth-wall-breaking, which I think is a technique that should be used in moderation if at all. It might have helped a little if we got to know the characters or see them doing stuff before they started breaking the fourth wall, but you pretty much started right in with that.

There's nothing specifically bad about the comics, which already puts you ahead of a lot of other folks on this site. There's just nothing that made me enjoy them or want to read more, either.

Just my opinion.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

2-05-03 8:01am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

i have to agree with evil_d, they weren't that great.

I really am a fan.

2-05-03 8:58am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Official Traveling Menstrual

Member Rated:

Yes, I agree with that, except that it didn't bother me as much as it did evil_d. I was able to ignore that bit, for some reason, and still enjoyed your comics.

I trust by "fourth wall breaking" you mean the characters interacting with the writer, not continuing comics into the next comic.

The humor was there, however, and the jokes haven't gotten old -- yet. Overall they were very good.

"Old" is the old new.

2-05-03 9:47am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I liked them at the beginning, but yeah, I kinda got sick of the 4th wall breaking thing...

although that's kind of hypocritical as I've broken the 4th wall plenty of times before, in fact, all the freakin' time, man, don't listen to me, just keep doing your thing. :-)

Also, interesting to see Scyess and not_Scyess give different opinions.

Dad was flammable

2-05-03 10:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

All these replies are great; many thanks for the suggestions!

My only question is what you mean by breaking the fourth wall. I mean, I understand that having a character talk directly to the audience is breaking the fourth wall, but I didn't do that too much (at least, I don't think).

Do you see the problem more in the comic knowing its a comic (i.e. how characters are added) or in things like having God and the artist in my comic strip obviously representing parts of me? Many people have mentioned this, and so it seems it's certainly worth my while to fix...I just need a little clarification before I do ;)

2-05-03 1:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I have an awesome avatar.

Member Rated:

My head hurts!
Not necessarily in a bad way.

It never really went anywhere for me. At first I wanted to see what was going to happen, but then I just stopped caring.

They weren't really bad comics though.

2-05-03 1:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Yes, that's what I mean. Maybe "fourth-wall-breaking" isn't quite the right term for it. It's just that your series has very little substance outside of the characters talking about how they're in a comic. It's not a comic about a group of college roommates, or a comic about some company's tech support department, or a comic about a travelling circus that lives on the moon -- it's just a comic about a bunch of people who know they're in a comic. Also, I feel like too much of the characterization comes from the author telling us that things are a certain way, instead of showing us. As you continue I'm sure you'll start putting your characters in more diverse and interesting situations, and eventually the series should develop into something more engaging or humorous.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

2-05-03 1:44pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Director of Cats

Member Rated:

All these replies are great; many thanks for the suggestions!

My only question is what you mean by breaking the fourth wall. I mean, I understand that having a character talk directly to the audience is breaking the fourth wall, but I didn't do that too much (at least, I don't think).

Do you see the problem more in the comic knowing its a comic (i.e. how characters are added) or in things like having God and the artist in my comic strip obviously representing parts of me? Many people have mentioned this, and so it seems it's certainly worth my while to fix...I just need a little clarification before I do ;)

The fourth wall is a term that comes, I believe, from the theatre, where the stages physically have three walls (open to the audience), but the characters are supposed to behave as if there is the fourth wall. Breaking the fourth wall basically refers not only to talking to the audience, but more generally the characters being conscious that they are fictional characters being scripted by a higher being.

My guess is that those who criticized your fourth-walling were not so upset over its existence, but rather the heavyhandedness to which it was applied, and the degree to which it drove the plot.

(Not me, I often find those things in themselves to be an amusing bit of absurdism. To each his own.)


2-05-03 1:53pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Good stuff; thanks very much for all the help. Now that I go back, I can definately see what you are all talking about. I've got a couple of loose ends to tie up, but I'm definately going to be focusing more on character interaction and development in the future. Incidentally, I think you've solved my 'how to end the gay story' problem.

Thanks again for all your help, and I'll see ya around the forums!

2-05-03 8:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I started reading with some skepticism and by the ending I was laughing aloud. Good character use and good plotting.

That said, I am just a seldom posting newbie who only knows what almost dumped him off into the floor. Funny?
Very. Liked it? Did. Planning on stealing bits? I am.

It kept me going to tha end

Because it's good for wrestling. . .

2-05-03 11:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Oh! I've gotta say, I like them. The characters knowing they're in a comic works for me. Funny, with good existential angst possibilities.

Please remember to spay and neuter your elected representatives.

2-07-03 2:33am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I give! Read 'em!

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