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A Brief Foray Into History: How The End Of WW1 Caused WW2 by Any_Color_But_Red
The hand puppet will now represent the German people at the close of the first world war and the blue squiggle will represent the European Allies.
Well, I guess you win. I go back home now and leave you alone.
No. You must suffer. Revenge. Revenge.
Your terms are overly harsh. I lost. Is that not enough? Where is the love?
There is no love scum. Pay or die. I will now take all your possessions, industry, money, and other sources of income for myself. I hope you starve to death.
After a while...Those Allies sure got their revenge. All 13 million lives of it.
You have oppressed me long enough. I starve, I suffer, I am penniless. Now it is I who seek revenge. Suffer. Die.

Its all my damned history homework. The Treaty of Versailles haunts me.

Got Communism?

2-22-03 8:51pm (new)
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Talentless Hack

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The Asian Girls Discuss Historical 20th Century Events by TheGovernor
Do you agree that there were a lot of historical events in the 20th century?

2-24-03 3:07pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Corporate whoring for a brighter future! by Buffylavalamp
And now for a word from our sponsor...
Hi, I'm Lance Geldgeliebter, president and CEO of UniGlobalCorp...
I make 14 cents a day!
Recently, UniGlobalCorp has been the target of many unfounded and libelous accusations...
But only if I work a full 12 hour day!
We at UniGlobalCorp strive to bring you quality goods at reasonable prices, and still be responsible corporate citizens!
I'd kill for a bowl of gruel...

Please remember to spay and neuter your elected representatives.

2-24-03 4:08pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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I forgot this one, and it's the more recent...
Meanwhile, some biting political satire... by Buffylavalamp
Can you see the car yet?
No, and I think we lost the president!
You bastard! I told you we were expecting snow!
Look, don't blame me! I wasn't expecting a freakin' blizzard!
Hewp! Mah tong ith thtuck ta a poe!
Mr. President!

Please remember to spay and neuter your elected representatives.

2-24-03 4:29pm (new)
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Playmate of the apes.

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Political Humor by Trippingbillee
Now, I can go with my standard routine, or I can do the new topical one that I haven't tested out yet...
This audience looks pretty hip. I'll try the new one.
Who wants to see me eat dog shit? I found it outside my house.

Sex Piano.

2-25-03 10:48am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Oh my gosh. People responded! I am so happy! Feel the love!

Got Communism?

2-25-03 8:44pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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f u
Tis teh madness i say! by El_Cid
Cappy and Hitler
Ok, world domination. Continue.
Yes, first u must fuq jewish whore and get mentally ill
Tehn u try tew ovarthrow teh government and influence teh peeple with snelsess propoganda, if all fails, go suicide.

f u

2-26-03 6:20am (new)
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Director of Cats

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Well, ok, alternative historical.

John Wilkes Booth meets Godzilla by kaufman
Tokyo, 1865
Just my luck. As soon as the plan is in place, my troupe departs on a world tour. How am I ever going to kill the President now?


2-26-03 6:56am (new)
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The Merry Elf

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Read the whole series!

The Pemmican Briefs - part 3 by Namgubed
Meanwhile, back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ...
Stay tuned to this network as we keep you posted on upcoming developments. This is Connie Chung...
... and Big Evil Dan Rather reporting from Washington DC.
And within the ever-so-sensitive walls of the Oval Office...
Sorry about the blue dress, Monica. Guess I forgot to restock my condom drawer. These should last me a couple days.
That wasn't what I was thinking about when you promised me a pearl necklace!
Uh-oh, the Mrs. !
Dammit, Bill, quit screwing the interns and help me hide these documents!
Hey, Hillary, think they'll all fit in Monica's cigar box. Ain't that right, Monica?

"There's no point in beating a dead horse ... except, of course, for the pure joy of it." - A. Whitney Brown

2-26-03 9:04am (new)
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crazy knife lady

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Here to show my Confederate pride.

With a Rebel yell by boorite
The battle is joined!
Your shoe's untied!

What others say about boorite!

2-26-03 4:15pm (new)
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Official Traveling Menstrual

Member Rated:

I don't have many political comics, but...

Jim's Hobby by Scyess
Oh, hi, Jim. What've you been up to?
Well, Jon, I've been thinkin'.
This is supposed to be a "free" nation, but are any of us really free? When we vote, does it really matter? Can we park where we want to? Freedom, Jon, is just an illusion in America.
Hhmmmm... an interesting point. I take it, Jim, that this means you've decided not to let that little girl out of your basement?
Well, Jon, ain't it better to keep her locked up honestly and keep her from America's lies? 'sides, I ain't done with her yet.

Random Comic! Civic Duty by Scyess
No no no! That won't stimulate growth, it will just cost taxpayers millions and take land from the public parks!
I don't think you understand the nuances of my proposal. It will create an economic zone in deprived areas.
But at what cost? The land -- **hack cough cough**
By just scaling back slightly the -- *cough choke wheeze hack cough**
I don't get it. What does it mean that the city has created a Gas Chamber of Commerce?
I'm not really sure, but I hope they can get George Bush as a guest speaker.

CC 120: Lobbyists by Scyess
Yep, Mr. President. For all the good we've done for society, I think my group deserves a little more attention!
We're very active in good causes such as free daycare centers and Boy Scouts. American values. I think you can slip our proposal into your next bill, don't you?
I'm sorry, I just don't think the NAMBLA vote is big enough to justify granting every adult male in the US his own 12-year-old boy-slave.
Well, maybe some of us can share one. Just think it over!

Good News / Bad News by Scyess
I read that India and Pakistan are backing down a bit.
You know, I believe that dispite all the war, terror, and cruelty men inflict upon each other, mankind is fundamentally good.
Even though man's intentions may be twisted or misguided... in his heart of hearts, man has a noble soul that strives for good.
I also read that there's another video coming out starring the Olsen twins.
*sigh* Nevermind.

American Politics by Scyess
This just in! Carol Mosley-Braun announced that she will run for president, bringing the number of Democratic Party candidates to 51,238.
Stupid announcments. *CLICK*
*CLICK* ...has just announced his candidacy, bringing the total number of Democratic Party candidates to 230,017.
Geez... *CLICK*
*CLICK* ...has just been confirmed that every single US Citizen over 35 besides George Bush is vying for the Democratic Party nomination.

Read my whole series! All 710 comics of it! This is not just a shameless plug, but actual advice for your mental and spiritual well-being.

"Old" is the old new.

2-27-03 1:33am (new)
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Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

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CC 143: Commentary on Christmas by punkrockskaboy
Deck the shelves with crappy merch, fa la la la la la la
Decorated trees in church, fa la la la la la la
nevermind that it's my birthday fa la la fa la la la
Here comes santa riding his sleigh, fa la la la la la la
christmas has become commerc'lized, fa la la la la la la
USA just closes the blinds fa la la la la la la

I am a heretic, so the church doesn't like me anyway, but I think it is a good point.

Political in that it comments on bush's stupidity at the end
CC 143: Who Doesn't Like a Good Jab at Dubya? by punkrockskaboy
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
Off in the distance we here: "Make the bad man stop Dick! Say it isn't so! I don't wanna die..."
It's the end of the world as we know it and...I'M FUCKING FREAKED OUT! Repent! Confess your sins to whichever false diety you worship! The end is near!
Alright buddy, move along. You're scaring the president

Both from a competition, in case you are too retarded to get that from the titles.

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

2-27-03 6:36am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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i have a few political strips...
UN Inspectors by theniwrenator
Nope, I don't see any weapons of mass destruction here, either, guys.

it seems the killer in washington has been caught... by theniwrenator
a guy and his dad... killing so many people
his dad was in a war or something
so many people dying
how could this happen?
how did he get elected president in the first place?

How Dubya would LIKE to handle the Middle East situation.... by theniwrenator
You looked away, HA, I win the war, I win the war, I win the war...

and an historical one...
I am studying for finals... by theniwrenator
I won't do a strip like this again...
The records of Weehaw plantation, near Georgetown, illustrate the intractable problems of labor control that persisted throughout the Reconstruction.
Owned by Henry A. Middleton, the plantation was abandoned at the close of the Civil War and cultivated in 1865 under the auspices of the Freedmen's Bureau, with the blacks receiving half the proceeds.
Middleton was pardoned and restored to ownership at the end of the year, and for the next several seasons the plantation was managed by his cousin, Ralph Izard Middleton.
As the latter's numerous reports make clear, one problem after another disrupted labor peace.

I really am a fan.

2-27-03 9:19am (new)
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Don't eat any wooden nickels.

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Orange Alert by Bargaintuan
Hey! The government changed the alert level to "orange".
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I guess it means we should watch out for anything unusual.

Out of the Woods by Bargaintuan
Well, the terror threat level has been lowered back down to Elevated.
Yep, I guess we can all breate a little easier.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Al-Milowaqu. How's it going?

Note: Near as I can tell, "Al-Milowaqu" is Arabic for "The Spatula".

Life is a lot like getting mugged; you get your kicks, you take your punches, and when it's over, someone else gets your cash.

2-27-03 9:59am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Nuclear, Say What? by Any_Color_But_Red
Time for the President's speech. I have my hammer, my nails. I'm all set.
"...Duct tape and shower curtains will protecterate ya'll from nukular attack..."

Freedom of Silence by Any_Color_But_Red
You're under arrest.
For what?!
Inciting rebellion.
I'm exercising Freedom of Speech.
Yeah, like that's legal.
Should I even try to explain?

Election 2004: Third Party Options by Any_Color_But_Red
Taking into account the apalling lack of intellegence in the two main political parties, I have decided to start a new party...
...The Cluck You Party!!
At least we should get the animal rights vote.

Real Terror by Any_Color_But_Red
Mr. President, there are 4 billion people outside who are protesting the war with Iraq. What should we do?
Eh, only four billion? That's like a focus group or something.
...Sir, its more than 2/3 the world's population.

The Precioussssssss... by Any_Color_But_Red
For today, the cow is Osama bin Laden. No comments please.
...And in the US, the President says he is focused on the Iraq problem...
Yes my precioussss...We're safess from the nasty Bushesss...

Anyone care to place a wager on what party I support? Am I a republican?

Got Communism?

2-27-03 12:14pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Meanwhile, CC173... by Buffylavalamp
Saddam Hussein? Is that really you?
Yes! Yes it is! How do you like my brilliant disguise? I just got it too!
Are you sure you just got it? It looks a little worn to me.
Okay, fine! Not only do I eat babies, but I'm a furry too! There, I said it. I like fursuit sex. Happy now?
Okay, this is just getting too surreal for my liking...
Alright, folks, it's rabbit season! I'm gonna kick your evil ass from here to the nearest oil field!
George W. Bush! You'll never take me alive! Hahah ha ha!

Please remember to spay and neuter your elected representatives.

2-28-03 11:21am (new)
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Playmate of the apes.

Member Rated:

Political Humor II by Trippingbillee
I'd like to do an impression of the amount of faith I have in our governing institution.

Sex Piano.

2-28-03 4:46pm (new)
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Don't eat any wooden nickels.

Member Rated:

Destruction Instructions, What's Your Function? by Bargaintuan
How's the heck are we supposed to destroy these missiles?
Maybe if I...

Al-Samoud, Al-Shamoud by Bargaintuan
Mr. President, we've just received a report that Iraq has started destroying its Al-Samoud missiles.
But, Sir? We were counting on them to refuse to help drum up support in the U.N.!
Yeah, but it's about time somebody destroyed something!

Life is a lot like getting mugged; you get your kicks, you take your punches, and when it's over, someone else gets your cash.

3-01-03 10:47am (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

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LOL TIEM by John1234
I tried looking for a good Abraham Lincoln character. Honest.
Dun Dun DUN!

bang bang. yeehaw.

3-02-03 12:07pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Post Your Historical Or Political Comics.

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