Official Traveling Menstrual
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I don't have many political comics, but...
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| Oh, hi, Jim. What've you been up to? | |
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| Well, Jon, I've been thinkin'. | |
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| This is supposed to be a "free" nation, but are any of us really free? When we vote, does it really matter? Can we park where we want to? Freedom, Jon, is just an illusion in America. | |
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| Hhmmmm... an interesting point. I take it, Jim, that this means you've decided not to let that little girl out of your basement? | |
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| Well, Jon, ain't it better to keep her locked up honestly and keep her from America's lies? 'sides, I ain't done with her yet. | |
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| No no no! That won't stimulate growth, it will just cost taxpayers millions and take land from the public parks! | |
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| I don't think you understand the nuances of my proposal. It will create an economic zone in deprived areas. | |
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| But at what cost? The land -- **hack cough cough** | |
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| By just scaling back slightly the -- *cough choke wheeze hack cough** | |
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| I don't get it. What does it mean that the city has created a Gas Chamber of Commerce? | |
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| I'm not really sure, but I hope they can get George Bush as a guest speaker. | |
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| Yep, Mr. President. For all the good we've done for society, I think my group deserves a little more attention! | |
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| We're very active in good causes such as free daycare centers and Boy Scouts. American values. I think you can slip our proposal into your next bill, don't you? | |
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| I'm sorry, I just don't think the NAMBLA vote is big enough to justify granting every adult male in the US his own 12-year-old boy-slave. | |
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| Well, maybe some of us can share one. Just think it over! | |
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| I read that India and Pakistan are backing down a bit. | |
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| You know, I believe that dispite all the war, terror, and cruelty men inflict upon each other, mankind is fundamentally good. | |
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| Even though man's intentions may be twisted or misguided... in his heart of hearts, man has a noble soul that strives for good. | |
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| I also read that there's another video coming out starring the Olsen twins. | |
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| This just in! Carol Mosley-Braun announced that she will run for president, bringing the number of Democratic Party candidates to 51,238. | |
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| Stupid announcments. *CLICK* | |
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| *CLICK* ...has just announced his candidacy, bringing the total number of Democratic Party candidates to 230,017. | |
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| *CLICK* ...has just been confirmed that every single US Citizen over 35 besides George Bush is vying for the Democratic Party nomination. | |
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Read my whole series! All 710 comics of it! This is not just a shameless plug, but actual advice for your mental and spiritual well-being.
--- "Old" is the old new.