Although a lot of your comics just suck, you certainly have gotten into your comic groove. Your timing is well-developed and you use narration boxes well, although your non-sequitur titles aren't in the least bit amusing. Nevertheless, you seem to have just as many funny comics as shitty ones.
Most of the ones I liked had me thinking, "I shouldn't've liked that comic, and yet, it's funny somehow." Still, they were genuinely funny. Here's a sampling of the ones I liked:
C is the third letter of the alphabet. I am a prince in disguise. Dinasaurs are extinct. The movie "Whatever it Takes" was made in 2000. When girls do alot of exercise they can pop their cherry before intercourse. The three colors used to create images on T.V screens are red, blue, and green. The heart does not actually have an effect of ones emotions. If you are ever alone with a small girl kill her. Chocolate is a flavor. CORNMEAL.