Just like Bazilla, I'm going to provide the images. All you have to do is alter or composite them in creative ways. Use any additional imagery you like, as long as part of one of these pics is in there somewhere. And just for larfs, the pictures this time around are thematically linked.
First up, we have the Lesbian Russian singing sensation "Tatu":

Here we see my huge, muscular bicep awaiting a tatoo. OK, its actually a stunt double. If you use this image, you have to provide the tatoo. Make me look like a real tough guy.

Here you have a group of folk musicians beating out a tattoo on the drums:

Here is Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

And finally, we have some attractive models showing off the latest in ballet tutus.

That's it. You have 5 days roughly. I'll post a warning exactly 24 hours before the final deadline. Ready? And... begin!
"You'll burn for this. Burn in jail!"