Don't be so damn sensetive people!
If it was a comic making fun of the conservatives or Pres. Bush it would be consedered funny.
Just because I make 2 "comics" about the "anti-war" movement, does not automaticly mean that I am some who knows what, tyring to shove my point of view "down everybody's throat".
Think about it. Anti-war protests are consedered good forms of expression, but when any body has another point of view and try's to express it, in any way, they are consedered agenda pushers(FOR LACK OF BETTER TERM).
Any one who says that the anti-war protesters are'nt trying to shove there point of view down others throats; is either lying, doesn't get the whole picture or are just blind.
I did not mean to rant and rave here, nor did I mean to get people upset.
Regardless of the 2 comics in question, how are the others?
Born and bred in the "Dirty South", USA.