Okay - I'm going to post a couple of older comics by people who I know won't mind, and a couple by people who I just hope don't mind. I just wanted to post some comics that I thought were really good, and that go a little ways back. People who have been here for a while will likely have seen these, but here goes:
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| Damn. What's all that red stuff you're sitting in? | |
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| I spilled some ketchup on my chair. | |
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| Okay, I'll just go get something to wipe that up. | |
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| I'm glad it's just ketchup. I could've sworn... | |
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| Oh, and also my anus is bleeding. | |
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- by not_Scyess
- I thought this was a really good way to deliver that joke, pacing-wise, and it makes perfect use of the guy on the right's facial expression.
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| Hey, baby, you look uncomfortable. Why don't you take it all off. | |
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- by kaufman
- I love how this one ends. I mean, the use of the images alone to make that joke would make me laugh, but then there's the guy's inexplicable attitude about it.
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| Hey, I'm nobody's slave - I'm a free man... | |
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| All your lace are belong to us! | |
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| Did somebody steal my lingerie? | |
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| All your mace are belong to us! | |
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| Hey you! Come back with my medieval weapons! | |
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| All your race are belong to us! | |
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- by wirthling
- I don't know where this idea came from, but it's pretty clever. I also like that you can read it left to right, but then you probably have to go back, in whatever order, to fit them together again.
Buffy and Chris are having a sweet moment...
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| Chris, you'll always be my best friend. | |
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| And you'll always be mine, Buffy. | |
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| Damn, I envy how thin you are... | |
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| Sorry, but I so covet your nose... | |
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- by Buffylavalamp
- This punchline caught me completely off-guard, and the guy looks filled with resignation, so it's even scarier.
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| Damned Hall of Mirrors... | |
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| ...I keep forgetting which one I am. | |
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- by Buffylavalamp
- I love this one especially because of how the panels are used - it reads well as 3 separate 2-part panels or as 1 big panel.