[Click to view comic: 'The Phone Call... PART ONE.']
I like the second panel in this one. He's got reaping to do. Gone reapin'. Maybe I can squeeze in a little more reaping before dinner. Funny.
[Click to view comic: 'Names']
Could have been better. You gave away the joke too early. Don't mention a backwards name until the last panel and don't tell us you're doing it. When we figure it out ourselves, we'll like it better.
[Click to view comic: 'I don't know, either.']
Funny. Can't really put my finger on why. Just kind of absurd. Unexpected.
[Click to view comic: 'I wanted a one panel comic']
Maybe my favorite so far. It leaves a lot to the imagination, but we can fill it in easily. And because of the way the panel is constructed, we read the end of the story before the beginning. So partly it's funny that such a simplistic beginning is what leads to that end. As a side note, you should use this technique more often when you only want a one-panel comic, instead of stuffing filler in the extra panels, which I find both distracting and uninteresting. Well, except in cases like this, where it's part of the joke. It works well there.
[Click to view comic: 'The hell?']
Probably the best of that series. In some of them (example), the innuendo is too obvious to be funny. I like the above-posted because it makes us guess. The hell, indeed?
I read all your comics so far, and those were my favorites. Many of the rest felt flat, lost momentum too early. But keep practicing, and read strips by other people that make you laugh. You'll improve.
Welcome to Stripcreator.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!