Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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read my journal...i aint got time to talk about myself anywhere else!!
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by systris
Systris consults her favorite dead rock legend
um, kurt...sorry i summoned you from rock heaven but i have a lot going on and i can use some advice...
um..okay wait..i didnt say ahead... life is a damn mess, and i'm submerged in angst...what do i do?
um...take some smack and blow your brains out...then let your cuntbag wife screw up your kid and then let your talentless bandmates get rich off your legacy...worked wonders for me...
WTF!! how in the hell is THAT going to help me!?! i cant believe i idolized you for over 10 years...Your just a hick loser who got lucky with a bunch of mindless songs..fuck you! you lied to me!*sobs*
Well that's what you get for eating ice cream and NyQuil before going to bed.who do you think i am Jim Morrison? look, thanks for supporting me and my wife's habit. here's a coupon for FYE, piss off!
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