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| G00d e\/en1ng, my subjexxt0rz. 1 @m here t0 g1ve j00 @ll @n 1mp0rt@nt @nn0uncement. | |
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| \/\/e @re fast @ppr0@ching a t1me 0f celebr@t10n. 1n @ mere +hree d@ys, j00 w1ll celebr@ate "H@ppy H@xx0rz D@y." | |
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| 1 w1ll r1de @ll 0ver teh intrr@web 0n +he b@ck 0f my re1ndeer, c0llect1ng tr1butes 0f ch0c0late eggz @nd v@lentine comix! | |
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| And if you don't show the King your proper love, I'll make poo-poos on your porches. | |
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