Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Haxx0r K1ng own0rz a77 +hat he surveyz0rz
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by Haxx0r_K1ng
$1|\|ce pe0ple @re @lw@ys f0rgett1ng +he me@n1ngs 0f +he h0l1d@ys, I th1nk 1t's +1me f0r @ rem1nd0r. Wh@t 1s Chr1$tm@s @bout, S@1nt N1ck?
Oh, ho ho ho! It'$ about celebrating our $avior, Je$u$ Chri$t. And you can't have a good celebration without $pending LOT$ of Money on pre$ents!!
Eafter Bunny, wh@t 1s +he meaning of Eafter?
Well, it's all about celebrating the Ressurection by going overboard on fertility imagery like eggs and rabbits. Wanna breed?
Cup1d, wh@t 1s +he me@n1ng of V@lent1ne's D@y?
Oh, there's no forgotten meaning or anything. People with_mates_invented it to make people without mates feel the sting of lonliness even more acutely. Mwahaha!
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