An' so it continues! Where'd that crazy bird (cuckaw!) come from? I don' know! Maybe it be BABY the BIRDMAN in disguise, y'all!
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| Anyway, as I was saying... I'm so manly, and I look like a fucking alcoholic. My co-workers make fun of me behind my back but I don't notice because of my big manly shoulders. | |
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| And that gigantic head that all sound seems to bounce off of. | |
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She not just known as Big Head, though! She a (wo)man o' many aliases! But not like Jennifer Garner, that girl FINE...
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| What did you say? Yeah, my name is Big Head... Diane the Man... Sheclipse... Rainforest Mega Mix... Chio... Manatee... take your pick. | |
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| I personally think Donquifa is a cool name. | |
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So there you have it! It's all explained now, chilluns. Ya heard that? On with that show!
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| Shut up or I'll eat you with the hearty ale that is my dinner. Mmm. | |
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| Did you just say 'ale'? Who the fuck are you, Thor or somebody? | |
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