KNOW YOUR CHARACTERS! Here we have R2-D2, one of our lovable protagonists. His scrawny, malnurished physique comes from a healthy diet of iced tea and Tony's Microwave Pizza.
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| Um... I really don't appreciate you talking about me like that. I just happen to be a lover of fine microwave dishes... nothing wrong with it. | |
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Initially just sitting in his room running Google searches for "hot asian chicks," he began an argument with Clash the Stampede about the colour of Godzilla, and subsequently went to hell.
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| It's a long story that even I don't quite comprehend. | |
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In getting out of the infernal wasteland, he met Xenu, who decided to drag R2 on an ill-fated trip to Vegas. He has since been thrown into prison, nearly shived by Travolta, and almost blown asunder.
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| It's still several orders of magnitude better than being in law school. And the sequence of events is more logical than any tort case verdict. | |
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| Hey R2! Hurry up and give me all your loose change! There's a club down the street with booths where you can see a girl dance for 5 min for just a quarter! A freaking quarter!!!! | |
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