Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When I'm bored, I make comics. Occasionally, they're even funny. How about that! If you are in the mood for an archive binge, I suggest starting around comic #50 (or #30 if you stick to the recurring theme items like "Songs In 3 Panels"); the first #1-29 are mostly exposition, bad puns, and me futzing around with the interface.
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by somnambulist
Well, have you tried looking for anyone else on that online dating website? I'm sure there must be another girl there that you might like.
Yeah. But all I ever get in my listings are dog owners, vegetarians, and/or communists, all of which are traits I'm trying to avoid.
Well, can't you just set it up to filter out all of those people?
Oddly, no. It can do positive matching (Find someone with "X" in their profile) but it doesn't do exclusions at all.
*To be continued!
Well, why don't you set it up to do a search for traits you do like, then?
Well, for starters, I still need some way to filter out all the spherical chicks first!
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