Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Crash and Burn: Mirror, mirror.
Crash and Burn: Mirror, mirror...
Something's wierd about this guy...
That's better...
umpire's Comics
05/11/04 - Crash and Burn: We're Back!
06/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Humor Series....
06/05/03 - Crash and Burn: A Pox on Omnimedia
05/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Good Times
04/25/03 - Crash and Burn: Drifting in the Doldrums
03/30/03 - Crash and Burn: Someone put a round into his dizzy bald head
03/28/03 - Crash and Burn: France : The Country that Smells like an ASS
03/25/03 - Crash and Burn: An Army Travels on its stomach
03/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Nighty night...
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: The Road Not Taken.
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Don't Mention the War!
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: Too Bad Chrissie Didn't O.D. too!!!
03/06/03 - Crash and Burn: The Burning Question
03/04/03 - Crash and Burn: The Yeller Terror
03/03/03 - Clear and Present 'Nanner.
03/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Sign o' the times.
03/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Where are my Rufees?
02/27/03 - Crash and Burn: Scream at the Boob Tube!
02/27/03 - Crash and Burn: Mirror, mirror.
02/24/03 - Crash and Burn: Jokes on you...
02/23/03 - Crash and Burn: Focus Pocus
02/21/03 - Crash and Burn: It was the Breast of times!
02/21/03 - Crash and Burn: Crash and Burned
02/20/03 - Crash and Burn: WHEN UP IS DOWN, and WRONG IS RIGHT..
02/20/03 - Crash and Burn: Flip off the Dickweeds!
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Brave Gnu World.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Standing in front of the New French Flag.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: On the Hot Seat!!!
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Guess who's coming to dinner.
02/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Final Moments of the Columbia
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: More Party Talk
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: P.C. Party Police
02/18/03 - Crash and Burn: Older than my grandma Moses...
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Who invited her?
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Party like it's 1999
02/17/03 - Crash and Burn: Relevance
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Brought to you by Nike
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Non-Dick Jokes
02/16/03 - Crash and Burn: Twilight's Last Gleaming.
02/09/03 - Crash and Burn: By-Pass the Pussies
02/09/03 - Crash and Burn: Doomed to Repeat...
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: I have needs
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Contractual Obligation Cartoon
02/05/03 - Crash and Burn: Monkey Wet Dreams.
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Tangent
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: Next to Godliness
02/02/03 - Crash and Burn: The Fats of Life.
02/01/03 - Crash and Burn: February 1, 2003
01/24/03 - Crash and Burn: Monkey on my back
01/23/03 - Crash and Burn: Hey Pete Townshend...
01/23/03 - Crash and Burn: You Deserve a Break Today
01/19/03 - Crash and Burn: Smack Iraq
12/27/02 - Crash and Burn: 13th Day of Christmas
12/10/02 - Crash and Burn: A Work in Progress
12/10/02 - Crash and Burn: Popular Culture
12/09/02 - Crash and Burn: Nasty Habits.
12/09/02 - Crash and Burn: Bad Taste
12/07/02 - Crash and Burn: The Dearh of the X files.
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn : King of Poop
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn: "Nanner, 'nanner. 'nanner!
12/04/02 - Crash and Burn: Holiday Jeer
11/30/02 - crash and Burn: Apocalypse "Nanner
11/27/02 - Crash and Burn: Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: What Dreams May Come
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Deck the halls
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Doody Humor Sells
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Just Duck Logic
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: I'll be home for Christmas.
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: For Whom the 'Nanner Tolls
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Attack of the Clones
11/26/02 - Crash and Burn: Sticky Situations
11/25/02 - Crash and Burn: Cry wolf
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Fun with Mirrors
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Amazing tails
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Ensemble players lament
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Taco Bell Episode II
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Yo quiero Taco Bell.
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: All I want for Christmas.
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Meat and Potatoes
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Right is right
11/24/02 - Crash and Burn: Hey, hey we're the monkies
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Hard Looks
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Acid Rain
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Bring in the homicidal clowns.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Hot and Spicy Texas Style
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Penguins on Parade.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Night of the Living Dweeb.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Happy Holidaze.
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Lunar Tunes
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Do you want fries with that?
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: To boldly go...
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: I remember when MTV played videos
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Episode One
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: One night stand
11/23/02 - Crash and Burn: Turning tables.
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Taco Bell
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Black Sheep
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Paperclip called Desire
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Deep Space
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Burning questions
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: New neighbors
11/22/02 - Crash and Burn: Funky Monkey
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