Crash and Burn: Scream at the Boob Tube!
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| Sheryl Crowe, you've come out against the war in Iraq... you are so committed against this conflict that you've put signs on your guitar strap and even printed up tee shirts... | |
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| Oh, I guess she forgot about going to Bosnia and falling in love with the soldiers there... "I never want a regular audience..." Blah, blah, blah... | |
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| George Bush is a fool, and I don't think that we have the right to enter another country and attack the innocent inhabitants... | |
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| I guess she's just been hitting the bottle again... | |
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| ...I got my 45 on so I can rock on..... Blah, blah... | |
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| God, I hope she doesn't go on about how she's 40... she looks 40...I bet Eric Clapton had to gag her when he banged her... | |
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