I make a daily comic. Although I'm not sure anyone (but me or my brother) reads it, I like pretty much all of them. If you're new, here's the introduction strip:
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: The Introduction']
I've made a new comic every day since October Fourth, and the only two made the same day were the first two, because 1. the first one was an introduction and 2. I wasn't planning to make it a daily strip until after the second one.
These are based on my brother, and all though most of them are just to insult him and he's nothing like in this comic, some of them I based on real life, such as this one:
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: Bored Games']
And this one was used as part of a treasure hunt I made when I got him a gift, so that's why it may not be the funniest of them all:
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: The Gift']
My cast of characters (most people are random but here are the characters that are... "major" characters):
The Andrew- The retarded main character of the strip.
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: I'm Kewl']
Suga Mama- Andrew's girlfriend, I haven't used her since the second strip (and a small appearance in strip 18). SHE TALKS LIK TIHS YO.
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: The Andrew's Girlfriend']
OMG DUDE- Doesn't have a real name, but he's the only non-Suga Mama character who TALKS LIK THIS.
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: The Friendly The Andrew']
Liberal Hippy- Yo, he's the daddio. Andrew constantly tries to make him his friend, but even being a hippy, he understands that he's an idiot.
[Click to view comic: 'The Andrew: Why The Andrew Isn't In The Pepsi Commercial']
I gotta go now, so if you're one of those few people who thinks my strip is funny, click here for today's strip.
A nerd and proud of it!