Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

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Okay, this is a collaborative effort between myself, ClashTheStampede, Interlocking_Man, and sabuwolf. It all started with a fight between CTS and myself as to what colour Godzilla was. This series quickly escalated from our argument. I'm gonna add it in here one chapter per post. Of course, the storyline is completely ad-hoc, and the "chapters" are determined afterwards.

CTS appears in the series as "Matt", ILM appears as "Steve", yours truly as "R2", and sabuwolf as the bomb.

The series title, "Caffeine Reactor", means absolutely nothing. CTS came up with the name, so blame him.

Oh, and although we kinda drifted away for a few months, the series is still in progress at the time of this posting.

Chapter 0: Prelude to Amiss

R2's Adventures in IMing, Vol. 0: w/ Apologies to Annie Hall by r2_d2
R2 Argues Via Instant Messenger (Actual Conversation):
"Godzilla is blue in colour."
"you mean blue with shades of yellow, right?"
Meanwhile, 500 Miles of Fiber-optic Cable Away:
[various frames from Godzilla vs King Kong, which was filmed in colour]
"That's technicolor of a B&W film"
You know nothing of my work.
Wow, Godzilla! In my own living room!  Can I get a photo to prove I really met you?  I'll have to run it through Photoshop, though, you're looking a little green.

Steps of an Argument by ClashTheStampede
ClashTheStampede Presents: The Steps of an Argument with Artoo... Step 1 - Sarcastic Confusion
I can't understand why you think that way. It was my understanding that my point of view is not only correct, but also common knowledge.
Part 2 - Angry Criticism
You are just unable to accept the fact that you are wrong! Face facts!
Part 3 - Grudging Acceptance of Mutual Differences
Fine. Be that way. You're Right. You're always right.

R2 vs. Matt, Round 3 by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/220795
Fine. Be that way. You're Right. You're always right.
But only about your choice of characters to portray me in this panel.
Well, I don't want to overinflate your ego ...
So I'll tell you that I only picked it because of the unhumanly emaciated physique.
Har-de-har-har.  I'd like to see you make pleated culottes look this good.

R2 vs. Matt, Round 4 by ClashTheStampede
Continued from r2_d2/220799
OK. I'll grant you that you make Kate Moss look like Jabba the Hutt.
All right. Now admit that I look damn sexy with this beard, waistcoat, and pocketwatch.
Dude, you may have the stunning good looks of Marty Feldman, but you have none of his class.

R2 vs. Matt, Round 5 by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/220804
Dude, you may have the stunning good looks of Marty Feldman, but you have none of his class.
Who needs class when you've got style?
Did someone say "style"?  I might be able to be of assistance on that.
Wow! It's Steve, the Angel of Sarcasm!
I don't know how this series got this far without you.
Hey!  The sarcasm bit is mine!  Don't try to horn in on my racket!

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1-10-05 10:09pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 1: Life in Hell

What the-
Yeah, I figured I'd save you the trip.
You know, I'm this close to unsealing a tin of whoop-ass on you.
Psh. You amish guys don't allow yourselves the technology to open any cans.
Through limited living, one can lead a lifelong legacy.
And we all know you're the embodiment of "limited."

R2 vs. Matt: Geht zu Teufel by ClashTheStampede
Continued from Interlocking_Man/220811
The Amish don't have mustaches. I, however, have a small mustache, if you'll notice.
Hmmmm... There appears to be some mistake, then. Well, if you aren't supposed to be here, then who...
Not so fast...

7734206 by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/220815
Wait!  I'm to young to die!
Shut up!  From this point on, you're not allowed to talk any more.
Well, I since I led a virtuous, Christian life, I shouldn't worry, right?  "Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death..."
Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.
Welcome to the Afterlife.  I'm your Angelic Guide, Steve, and I'll be keeping you company for the rest of Eternity.
I always said Sisyphus got off easy.  Turns out I was right

Matt learns the shocking truth... by ClashTheStampede
Continued from Interlocking_Man/220821
All my life, I was a good Catholic! I followed every rule! How could I wind up in Hell?!
Catholic? That was your first problem, there. You could at least have tried a decent religion, like Mormonism or Scientology.
Somewhere in Utah...
You need to get married to do a three-way now?! What a difference 75 million years inside a volcano makes!

Interlocking r2 Stampede, vol. 8 or something by Interlocking_Man
I don't know how I got shoehorned into this job, but I may as well make the most of it.
Sweetness, sho' nuff, fo' shizzle.
What da dilly, yo?
This is your first punishment. No more Queen's English for you for a couple centennia.

[Click to view comic: 'Eighth Amendment Rights']
[Click to view comic: 'At least, that's what I heard']
[Click to view comic: 'Meanwhile...']

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1-10-05 10:11pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

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Chapter 2: The Test

You'd Think Hell'd Have a Lock, or At Least a Wall Somewhere by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/220959
Well, if no one else is around, I'm gonna make a break for it.
I'll just check my back ...
It looks clear.  I'm gone.
Um, hi there.  I'm not really supposed to be here.  They told me I could leave, since I haven't done anything.  Really
Trying to escape, eh?  Well, thou shalt not pass until thou canst answer me these riddles three.  Art thou ready for Question the First?

Der LoveGod Fragte R2 die Frage by ClashTheStampede
Continued from:
Yes. Ok. Now I'm ready for the second riddle.
Second riddle!? I haven't even asked you the first riddle yet.
You asked me if I was ready for "Question the first?". Technically that's the first question.
Hell, no. You missed the point, my waif-like friend. Just give me a moment to think of a good riddle...
Hours Pass...
Look, I thought I came here for three riddles!
Oh, I'm sorry, this is abuse.

Question: The First by sabuwolf
Continued from ClashTheStampede/221199
So... ask me the g-ddamn question! I have a Tony's Pizza in the oven and diet iced tea somewhere in the living oom.
Don't rush me noob! Don't make me go medieval on your ass.
Ok... What's Red, White, and Blue, bounces, shakes, jiggles and quakes, and the mere sight of it could drive a man insane?
Wonder Woman's chest. I got that one after you said the colors.
yep... I also would have accepted Captain America on a mechanical bull.

Penguin-- er, *Question* the Second by r2_d2
Continued from sabuwolf/222776
Could we hurry it up a little?  I really do need to be going!
Why are you in such a rush?
I left my computer running seven days ago when I got dragged here.  I need to get home and virus-check it.
You're not fooling me, R2.  Everyone knows you're a Linux user.
And before you ask, "Why are you in such a rush?" did not count as Question the Second.
Get on with it! Or else I'll have to fsck you in the BASH.

R2 Leaves Hell... Maybe by ClashTheStampede
Continued from
All right! I can see you mean business! Therefore I'm going to have to refer you to a higher authority.
I suppose you mean G-d?
Guess again, wiseass.
Third question, eh? Howzabout this one - Where can I get a good martini in this state? Then get your thetan ass in a convertible, because we're goin' to VEGAS!
I don't care how many planets he's destroyed. If he doesn't like gin martinis, I'll kick his ass.

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1-10-05 10:14pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 3: The Hall of Mirrors

I See Your True Colours, Shining Through by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/222809
Okay, your next punishment is called the "Hall of Mirrors":  You must walk down this corridor, and look into each mirror.  They will reveal your true inner self.
Oooh! Sounds like fun!
I'm probably a sex magnet, or a king, or something important like that.
Hot damn! First thing out of here, I'm going to Richard Gere's house!

Aw, Nuts! by ClashTheStampede
Continued from
A squirrel? What the heck is that supposed to *mean*, anyways?
Well, the first mirror reveals one's "spirit animal." It defines who you are. A squirrel means you're nuts, or you like nuts, or you like to hide your nuts.
Maybe it means I have really *big* nuts!
You sad, pathetic little man. May God have mercy on your soul.

While the Clash is away... by sabuwolf
Meanwhile... while Clash goes to "find himself" in the Hall of Mirrors
HEY! Where'd the geeky Euro-trash-wannabe go to? I was just about to cast a spell of eternal torment on him.
Oh, he's off in the Hall of Mirrors. I told him he could find stuff there... you know... like spirit animals, long lost loved ones, expired coupons, tuna fish...
Doesn't it just a bunch of angry squirls and some big stupid mirrors that you stole from people's yards on 'Spring Clean-up Day'?
Yeah. These's also those raccoon-sized NYC subway rats that got loose in there last week, "Milton: the Lining Pond Scum," and the entire population of New Jersey.
But you *did* say he was a law student... Right?
Oh, hell yeah... he'll fit right in! He may even come back claiming to have had a religious experience!

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1-10-05 10:18pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 4: The Big House

R2 Learns the Key to Leadership by ClashTheStampede
4-12-04 R2 and Xenu continue their search for a car...
So what is it like to be dictator of the universe?
It's great, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. When you make any decision, there a lot of people out there that you have to consider.
Fairness and justice always come before personal interests. Which is why you have to be a leader with the highest moral sensibilities!
Quick, give me a coat hanger! I want this BMW!

R2 and Xenu in "The Road to Vegas" by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/223325
Okay, so this is the car you wanna take to Vegas?
Yeah.  Sweet ride, innit?
I don't think that's a good idea.
What makes you say that, my lad?
Well, if Grand Theft Auto: Vice City has taught me nothing else, it's that if you're gonna steal a car, you do it when there aren't any cops around. That and how much the 80s rocked.
Vice City?  I thought the only video games you played were on the Atari 2600?

Xenu sleeps it off. by sabuwolf
Continued from: r2_d2/223330
Thanks a TON, jackass! I told you that we couldn't steal a cop car with a policeman still inside it!
Oh, sure... sue me for being ambitious! A night in the tank never hurt anybody! I know a lawyer who can have us out and stealing vacant cop cars by noon tomorrow. I promise!
Oh, no you don't! When we get out of here, we're going to get to Las Vegas by stealing what *I* want to steal. You screwed up ROYAL, and you're not doing it again!
OK...OK... Geez! What the $@#* is your problem anyway... They only printed me, since they thought you were a minor thanks to your scrawny physique.
I guess you're right. It sucks, but at least we can be on the road by tomorrow morni...
Hold that thought and start gringing your belt buckle into a shiv... one of the "townies" is comin' toward us...!

A little help from your friends by ClashTheStampede
Continued from sabuwolf/223388
You maggots better have some money!
Why certainly, sir!
And while you're here, enjoy this lovely dose of gamma radiation!
Did you have to burn him alive?
I'm sorry. I forgot to let you get in a shot with the shiv, didn't I?

The Art of War by r2_d2
Continued from comics/ClashTheStampede/223401
So we're getting out in the morning?
Yeah, but it's not gonna be pretty when we do.
Why's that?
Well, we were on the news last night.  Scientologists have been waiting seventy-five million years for me to escape from imprisonment.
So we'll probably have an army of Scientologists assembled outside the jailhouse waiting to kill us in the morning.
Hell, I'm sure we can take 'em.  As long as I get to shiv Barbarino.

[Click to view comic: 'Xenu takes flight']
[Click to view comic: 'Game Theory']
[Click to view comic: 'The Master Plan']

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1-10-05 10:23pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 5: The Jailbreak

The Jailbreak, Part I by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/223577
Die, lacky of Xenu!
Wait! You're not Travolta!
No, I'm Jenna Elfman.
What are you doing here?
They put me on the front lines of the Anti-Xenu Brigade as punishment for Looney Tunes: Back in Action.
Because it only grossed $21-mil, right?

The Jailbreak, Part II by ClashTheStampede
Continued from r2_d2/223580
Jenna, efore you kill me, I would like you to have these.
Um, Thanks, I think. What are they?
They're... Um... the lost writings of L. Ron Hubbard! I took them from Xenu.
Wow! Let me see: "Eat one of these postage stamps to attain the highest level of Scientology."
I can't believe she fell for that! But she believed in Scientology, didn't she?
Wait 'til Travolta tries THIS!

The Girl ... with KaLEIdoscope ... EYES! by r2_d2
You know the deal.  Continued from ClashTheStampede/223602
Hey! You're not Jenna Elfman!
That's right.  I'm Lucy.
In the Sky with Diamonds.
You ... weren't ... supposed to ... take them ... yourself, R2.
Damn.  You need a new toupee, Mr. Shatner.

Friendly Advice by ClashTheStampede
R2 conuinues his high from: r2_d2/223605
Wow... this is...
... so trippy.
Greetings, Xenu! I, Tom Cruise, have waited a long time to destroy you!
Did I say Thetan? [blip] I meant Cretin! [breep]
Quickly, while he's distracted! SHIV HIM! SHIV HIM!
Is the shiv an extension... of me?... Or... Am I... an extension of the shiv?

The Creshendo!!!!! by sabuwolf
Continued from: ClashTheStampede/223609
Sweet Yeshua! It's Travolta!
I've come for the one they call Xenu! Hand him and his magical stamps of enlightenment over and I promise not to hurt you!
However, I do plan to make a sequel to "Battlefield Earth," because I think it didn't get a fair...
(pst) Mark... I know you're on a heavy acid... I mean 'postal'... trip, but I need you to shiv him when I give the intergalactic signal for...
Sweet Yeshua! It's Xenu! Prepare to watch all my movies!
F#ck it! SHIV HIM NOW! If I have to see "Broken Arrow" another f#cking time I'll shiv myself!

[Click to view comic: 'Shiver Me Timbers!']
[Click to view comic: 'Shivs are Red, Violence are Blue...']
[Click to view comic: 'Travolta's Last Stand']
[Click to view comic: 'Let's Blow This Joint!']
[Click to view comic: 'The Naked Truth']
[Click to view comic: 'Back on the Road Again']
[Click to view comic: 'The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades']
[Click to view comic: 'The Great Journey']
[Click to view comic: 'Going Like a Matt out of Hell...']

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1-10-05 10:26pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 6: The Heist

This Strip Is *Not* Here. Understood? by r2_d2
Continued from comics/ClashTheStampede/224015.  R2 and Xenu have been wandering the Nevada desert for quite some time now.
Sweet! We've found Area 51!  Now we don't need a car—this is where I parked my spaceship.
So you've been working with the United States Air Force?
Oh, hell no.  They'd kill me just like the Scientologists.  That's why I'll have to create a diversion while you sneak in.  One of these stones is fake, the keys are inside it.
I've noticed every one of your plans involves me being placed in peril of life, limb, and/or imprisonment, while all you do is stand there.  Why is that?
I saved the decoy.
That's not answering my question!

One Decoy, Two Decoy, Three Decoy, Four! by sabuwolf
Continued from: Xenu and Mark attempt to find the fake, key-containing stone which will grant them access to Area 51.
Jez-zus! Stop being such a freaking pu$$y about EVERYTHING! Just because I set up a decoy and leave you in the middle of a minefield with attack dogs doesn't mean you're at any greater risk than me!
The hell it doesn't! I'm not hunting for any f#cking plastic rock or creating any f#cking diversion to cover your ass! Make me a decoy or I'll shiv you!
WOAH! No reason to get violent here. We're pals, right? (nervous laughter) Lemme see here... I might have a decoy that suits you. Would it make you happy if I found a decoy for you? (gulp!)
Damn skippy! Now cough up the decoy and let's get to stealing some impounded government property!
Hey sugar-laden tea additive! Why don't (*click*) we go back to my (*whirl*) locale of residency and generate (*buzz*) sweet, sweet procreation. Baby got pronounced gluteus (*beep*) maximus!
Um... hello? I'm not really a decoy; I'm an angel. Any chance you saw an American speaking German and wearing a British shirt while trying to pick up an French supermodel? I kinda lost one recently.

How Much Is That Doggie in the Hangar? by r2_d2
Continued from comics/sabuwolf/224162.  Having snuck in the back door to Area 51, R2 searches for Xenu's ship.
Arf! Arf!
Shit! The guarddogs have found me!  I'll just turn around slowly, and ...
That's strange.  I'd have expected a German shepherd or a rottweiler, not a beagle.
Yeah, well, the Air Force's entire budget's been blown on Iraq.  I'm all they could afford.
But you can talk.  That's gotta make you worth something.
The German shepherds and the rots have a union.

R2 Goes to the Dogs by ClashTheStampede
4-17-04 r2_d2/224171 - R2 Placates the Guard Dog
If the other dogs can unionize, you can, too! "Beagles of the world, unite!", and all that!
It's not all that easy! There are logistical problems as well as the fundamental difficulties of union dues, etc.
And, um... Don't tell anyone I said this... but...
That bitch Snoopy is a HUGE scab.

Street Legal by r2_d2
Continued from comics/ClashTheStampede/224219
So anyway, do you know where Xenu's ship is kept?
Oh, sure.  It is what I'm guarding, after all.
Well, would you be willing to show me where it is?
I suppose, but there is one small problem.
The tail lights are burnt out?
Yeah.  And have you ever tried finding a filling station that sells leaded petrol?

[Click to view comic: 'Like a Shadow in the Night']
[Click to view comic: 'Can You Believe We've Done *50* of These Things Already?']

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1-10-05 10:31pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 7: Yoo-hoo, Sailor Boy!

All the News that Unfit to Print... by ClashTheStampede
Click Here to Read the Previous StripMatt Wanders into a NJ Internet Cafe
This news report says Xenu has kidnapped Kate Moss! It looks like she lost some weight in this picture, though...
Wait! That's not Kate Moss... That's R2! If I can reach them, Xenu can restore me back to life! I've got to hurry!
But maybe I'll look at the Free Nude Girls in Bondage Picture of the Day first...

But Shatner's Never Led Me Astray Before! by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/224421.
That settles it, then.  I'm off to Nevada to ask the Great Xenu for a favour.
Of course, I'm in New Jersey, and my car's in Ohio.  I'll have to find another means of transportation to get there.  Maybe Priceline has cheap tickets.
Unfortunately, when you've been dead for a fortnight, the mind gets a little lazy.
So, does that earring mean you're a pirate?
Kinda.  Wanna see my "Ready Room"?

In the Navy!!! by ClashTheStampede
Continued from r2_d2/224493 Matt is Disoriented after his trip through Hell
Can this boat take me to Las Vegas?
I'll take you anywhere you want, big boy.
Great, I'll be alive again in no time!
We can even go to Uranus and back!
Um... I think I may just take the bus...
No refunds. Check your boadring pass.

It's a Pirate's Life for Me! by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/224785
Well, I'm going aft to the stern.  Maybe I'll see you there, big boy?
Yeah.  Um, I have to go back to my cabin now.
Now if I can just avoid him for the rest of the trip ...
Twenty minutes later:
Matt! Fancy seeing you on the poop deck!

Yo, Ho Ho! by ClashTheStampede
Continued from r2_d2/224797
GAAAAH! What are you doing here?! I thought I just got away from you!
What are you tallking about? I've never met you before.
Of course you have! We had a very scary discussion (at least for me) about a half hour ago!
Oh, now I get it. You have me confused with the captain. All the staff are dressed like this.
Oh, well. OK. But if this is the first time we've met, how did you know my name?
When a gorgeous piece of ass like you comes along, the word spreads quickly. You're already being traded for cigarettes on the Fiesta Deck.

[Click to view comic: '... and a Bottle of Rum']
[Click to view comic: 'Sixteen Men on a Dead Man's Chest']
[Click to view comic: 'Drink and the Devil Be Done for the Rest!']
[Click to view comic: 'The Mate Was Fixed by the Bosun's Pike']
[Click to view comic: 'The Boson Brained With a Markin' Spike']

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1-10-05 10:36pm (new)
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I'm with stupid ^

Member Rated:

Well, it's good for a start.

1-11-05 12:48pm (new)
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Professional Andy Capp Impersonator

Member Rated:

Chapter 8: The Big Bang

AWOL WMDs ASAP! by sabuwolf
An uneasy truce leads to danger!...
March, Bitch! I don't have all day!
OK... geez. You could try not jamming that gun into my spine every two steps. I SAID you could be captain!
Wait... I thought you ran out of fuel.
Ohhh... yeah! Let me run under the ship and get some more from the... um... intergalactic... um... fuel storage shed.... which I assure you is not a weapons cache.
...And somewhere in the ship's cargo hold...
Haha.. I knew I had one of these left!! This is my Boom Stick!!! Hail to the King Baby! (Ye G-d! I f*cking love WMDs!)

The All-Too-Brief Adventures of Captain Stan by r2_d2
Continued from sabuwolf/225900:  R2 and Capt. Stan chat in the ship's break room.
So you're the Captain, eh?  Does that mean you can marry people aboard the ship?  'Cuz I think Jenna's still around here somewhere—
Let me just warn you, horndog, that in the Ancient Klingon tradition, I also reserve the right to kill any member of my crew who doesn't meet my expectations.
Capt. Stan, please report to the cargo hold.  And bring some duct tape with you, I'm pretty sure R2 has some.
Is that water cooler talking to us?
Jebus! No wonder I'm the Captain, my crew's a moron!  That's the P.A., dumbass.
And somewhere in a dark and dusty cargo hold, Stan's tale takes a turn for the worse ...
'Ello, what's all this, then?

And Cookey's Throat was Marked Belike by ClashTheStampede
Continued from r2_d2/226170 Matt continues his discussion with Bono
I must say, I like what you're doing down there.
Thank you! I do this on streetcorners all the time! So how did you wind up on this wierd cruise?
I got some really terrible tickets from Priceline. Shatner was giving them away at the post-Grammy party. How about you?
I got bad Priceline tickets, too. Except I bought mine while I was still readjusting from the temporal distortion portal between Hell and New Jersey.
That portal's near Newark, right? Oh, and, once again, you did a lovely job shining my shoes!
I'd press your jacket for you too, but we don't have time... Certainly looked like I was doin' something else in this strip, huh? Now let's get out of here!

It Had Been Gripped By Fingers Ten by r2_d2
Continued from ClashTheStampede/226275
Now where could he be?  Why would he call me down here, unless—
Xenu springs into action!
D-oh!  I dropped the Duct Tape!
Deflty Duct-Taping Capt. Stan to the Bomb, Xenu Returns to the Bridge
Oooooh, Xenu is going to pay for this.
[Bomb Armed] [Detonation in 0:30:00]

(Note that at this point, the series mysteriously vanished, because CTS wasn't on the ball enough to keep it up. But eight months later, the hiatus was broken, and the series was resumed (a better track record than most FOX sitcoms):

The Power of Prayer by ClashTheStampede
Seeing as how these are our final moments on Earth, it only seems fitting that we offer a prayer for our souls.
Wait a minute... I thought you believed in thetans, not souls.
Oh, yeah... Well... Um... That is to say that...
Aw, fuck it. I was just gonna pray to myself anyways.
How the hell would that help?! I've been praying to you all evening and it hasn't done us any good!
That was YOU?! I thought those were prank calls from Cthulhu!

[Click to view comic: 'Caffeine Reactor, Back Again']
[Click to view comic: 'Heavenly Sounds']
[Click to view comic: 'Soapbox']
[Click to view comic: 'Ask and Ye Shall Receive']
[Click to view comic: 'Ode to the dearly incinerated...']

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1-12-05 8:14pm (new)
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