Oh sure, your morals won't let you curse, but they will allow you to ROAST INNOCENT COWBOYS AND THINGS WITH FEET FOR EARS!
*Rotor Turbines and Rappists - RIP*
Actually, I think there were flashes of potential funny in these strips. There are a few nifty ideas, but they aren't consistent, and they need proper development. I grinned at "Citizens of the world and Beverly Hills" for instance... though I think it would have been stronger as just saying "Citizens of Beverly Hills." And instead of having it be some nameless voice answering over the intercom, have it be Governor Ahnold himself, acting like Ahnold would act. He could even be a recurring character with a minor role.
The asshole and the idiot sidekick are a time tested combination, but the jokes themselves don't always carry through. For example "Pie" was good. "I thought it was a donut" was less good. If it's a flashing green light, a donut won't work as a believable substitute... in fact, don't even go for food. Perhaps he thought it was a urinal cake, and when Jax reacts in disbelief that his sidekick would eat a urinal cake, Froogle reacts with shock that Jax never has, and perhaps recounts fond memories of urinal cakes from his youth.
Also, even though it's wacky, it just doesn't work to suddenly and without reason switch the setting. If they were shot down over the desert, that would be one thing... but to land there and think up a new plan is another. Why the desert? Why not the bowels of hell? Work on the transitions.
And dougan is right. The name is kinda fun.