Did you know on this day in 1951 Fidel Castro was ejected from a Winter League baseball game after hitting a batter. He later gave up baseball for politics.
in 1807 President Thomas Jefferson exposed a plot by Aaron Burr to form a new republic in the Southwest
Well you do now, which brings me neatly onto your quest for this week.
A while ago I started creating a series called On this day, which tried to use daily facts as source for 'teh funney' here's an example
[Click to view comic: 'On this day (1st March)']
I gave up after 5 days as I was trying to do the day I created the strip, which turned out harder than it looked.
This is where you guys come in, though I'll be a little more lenient with the format.
Pick a day, any day in the year, 366 of those beauties to choose from, and create a strip based on factoids that happened on that day, these can be Historical from any country, Sports related, Musical, TV, or even personal to you, as long as it happened on the day in question.
You can use as many panels as you like for your nuggets, though if you want to follow the format I used that's fine.
Pop the day you choose in the title or somewhere in the strip as a reference, other than that have at it.
Here's a couple of reference sites to get you started, though I reckon a quick google search would yield more
Judging in about a week or so.