i will be startin colege latter this yeer and i just cant wate. why?? be cuase now a day's you can do all kind's of wierd coarse's!! if the ecenommic's department dosnt exept me i mite just do a degrie in clingon!! or the simson's!! i have evven herd of a colefge wear you can do a gradaut degrie in pokamon!! is that not out thier!!
what has this got to do with the contest you stupid fuckin rim jober i heer you say. well in this cc i want you to make a strip about 1 of these wierd colege coarse's. may be some one in the strip is studdying it teeching it or just talking about it for some reeson. what ever, just have the coarse in volved some how. the coarse can be anny thing. the zannier the coarse is the beter.
ohter wise you have a free rain. o i all most forgot. you will loose point's for;
1. joke's about tobor dr pandentic or cow boy pyhdic's
2. poor spelling
3. if you make a serie's dont make it more than 3 strip's, i dont have concatraton to reed that shit
3. being not funy
5. havin evver made fun off me. i willbe cheking.
multeple entry's are encoraged.
ok this compatitaton will be juged on the evaning tusday 14nth of janauray in the yeer of our lord 20003. good luck!!