Are you presupposing an age of clitoral pre-politics, when the itineraries of ovarian hermeneutics were subsumed under the hegemony of totalizing phallocentrism?
So yeah, I was just on that newbie topic on general discussion. So can I get some constructive criticism? It's hard to see my comics from another perspective, because I have a skewed sense of humor. What can I work on? What can I change? Am I original at all, or have you seen this stuff before?
No, I'm just playing. I'm not gonna leave you hanging like that.
The comic you posted is smirk-level funniness, I would say. I think it has to do with the content of the joke itself; I doubt if you could deliver it any better than you did.
Thanks for the criticism devin. I'm actually having trouble coming up with laugh out loud humor, but I think I've got the smirk-humor down pretty well.
I pretty much gave up on making comics when I realized I couldn't rise much above gee-that's-kinda-clever-but-it's-more-cute/clever-than-witty/clever humor.
--- "And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."