I disagree. I preferred the previous three -- some creative ideas therein. The other one was simply a retelling of a joke that's probably older than the author.
Now to be fair. I'm guilty of the same thing, in fact several times over, but I'll admit they're hardly my best work.
I think if you want to retell an old joke in comic form, you should really try to give it a touch that justifies the translation to this medium. In the case of Crash iminent (sic), using Hippie4 as the backpack owner was nice and plausible, but why that choice for casting the smartest person in the world? Wouldn't scientist with his wacked-out look be more effective?
The other difficulty was that the joke doesn't fit well to three panels. It rushed the beginning to get to what it could fit in. Unless you can get outside the box, probably best not to shoehorn it. Take for example this strip I did my second day here:
[Click to view comic: 'Stop me if you've heard this before (episode 4 of 11)']
A piece of dreck, eh? It's only saving grace is the title, in which its hokeyness is acknowledged, and the cryptic episode number makes it not worth deleting. I never made the other ten episodes, and that was the point. A reader who's heard this joke since age 6 can fill in the other ten episodes in his/her head, right up to the triumphant Orange in the second panel of Episode 11. Plus, the backgrounds fill in the other piece of the puzzle; by then it will be in the black of night.